Wednesday, August 29, 2018

8/30/18 Observations From Orange Is The New Black, Season 6?

    I went ahead and binge watched the last 2-3 episodes at work this week.  I kept falling asleep while trying to watch them at home, but at work I have to be up, so it's different.  Anyways, I don't want to give up the plot but some things really bother me.  Dayanara Diaz seemed like the perfect kid who made a mistake and could still get her life in order, but man, did she ever prove to be a fuck-up.  From having sex with two different guards, to getting knocked up and lying about the father, to "accidentally" killing a guard, to now strung out on heroine.  If ever someone needed a kick to the ass, man this chick just screams bad decisions.  Red is another character who maybe was more of a force and kept the white girls in line and focused, but when she was attacked, she went at the problem with no thought to consequences.  I don't understand her hatred to Frieda, she didn't order her to stay down in the pool, or to make it her job to take down Piscatella.  She seems to want to act like Frieda forced her to do all that and can't forgive her.  It was sad when at the crossroad to see her grandchildren who she hadn't seen in years or lunge at Frieda and maybe scare her, she chose to attack which cost her the chance to see her family and her freeom as she was immediately taken to the SHU, which is isolation.
    Piper really wonders why people go after her?  She is an annoying know it all twit.  Even in prison she acted like her poop didn't stink.  Learn, Stupid.  There is never any reason to give personal information to someone who doesn't like you.  Telling Madison that she was almost done being locked up almost cost her more time, and that was dumb.  I loved the heart to heart she and Taystee had.  That is one person who did not deserve the life she was living.  Being accused of murder to cover up for the cops own stupidity is the worst.  Then the two asshole sisters, Carol and Barb, could not let go of petty jealousy.  I am glad they got what they got, there weren't many worse people than these two in the whole prison system.
    I saw Flaca making the best of a bad situation, spreading her positivity through the airwaves and giving out advice the best way she could.  Her character got better without the "pretty one" by her side all the time.  Nicky's character also blossomed in the latest season.  It was hard to see her strung out on the drugs the last few seasons.  To see her avoid the temptation just shows her strength of character.  When she is not high, she is very entertaining with her quick wit and sarcasm.  There are too many characters to get into all of them, but I have loved this show since it came out.  Some seasons were better than others, but they all offered something interesting.  Now that the blond pain in the ass has been released, I wonder if they still continue.  It did start out as her story.

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