Wednesday, August 22, 2018

8/22/18 Hardcore Henry? (Netflix)

    This movie exists solely because of all the video games where the action is through the eyes of the player, first person shooters, I believe.  It reminded me of a knock-off John Wick.  There is very little dialogue, shit, the main actor doesn't have a voice box.  It is almost unclear why they are trying to kill him or actually killed him initially.  Whatever the reason, he is re-assembled and then the bad guy Akan shows up, killing the doctors/scientists like they have no value.  It turns out they are in a plane, and they escape only to be on the run for most of the movie.
    It can be a little dizzying with the 1st person perspective and that we only see through the eyes of Henry.  Everywhere they go, Henry instantly attracts a crowd that is only interested in killing him.  At every point it seems where he is about to be done in, Jimmy shows up and helps save him, he is a british fellow with a bit if a sense of humor.  It is really confusing because in every scene, it seems like Jimmy is killed, yet he shows up again and again to help him, every time in a fully different costume/clothing.
    I am not sure if they shot in Moscow to save on the high costs of Hollywood or to show a different world, but there were interesting scenes all around.  Just the buildings look old, like they have stood for some time.  This was all just in the background as the action was almost always going.  I swear this movie said it was 1hr and 30 min, but it didn't seem to want to end.
    There is a lot explained as the movie wraps up but not everything.  Why is there a warlock with magical powers in an ordinary world?  This kind of threw me off.  It didn't make sense because no one else was working with magic powers.  I don't really want to give any of the ending up but know that there are a lot of deaths, by every way imaginable.
    I cannot say this is my kind of movie, but I can see it being successful with the gaming community.  I did like the Jimmy character, even if I didn't understand why he was helping him.  Just about everything gets sorted out in the end and Henry drives off to safety in a helicopter.  Supposedly, after the credits, someone calls out to Henry, and I am guessing they left it open for a second part or as the kids like nowadays, a possible trilogy.
    If you see it just as a fantastical movie with a sense of killing as sport, this movie will be a good one.  If a little blood offends you, I would say this is not for you.

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