Saturday, November 12, 2022

11/7/22 When Life Hits The Gas Pedal? (Part 1 of 2)

     I haven't written anything in about a week, life just seemed to get away from me for a minute and that just kept cascading.  This was the first week I have had to work late, it has been so under control at work that I am usually done with any work by the time Mijo is getting done with football practice and I was able to eat dinner with them most nights.  This week, of course it happens to be the last one with football practice is when shit hits the fan and I need to stay more than I want to.

    The main reason we got backed up was that one of our analysis tools went down, which forces us to have to share the one tool with the other company we share space with.  Since I technically am scheduled to work after hours, it is easy for everyone to just say "Mando can run it at night."  This means I get no pity and the other company just gets to use our tool during the day.  I guess I don't really mind doing the work, but this being the week os playoffs and so many little things happening, I felt distracted.  For example, Wife was in meetings or something on both Wednesday and Thursday night, so even if I was busy, at some point, I had to stop and go get Mijo.  

    Tuesday, I stayed late, but I was home before 10:00pm, so it wasn't so bad.  Wednesday, we had so much work, my coworker told me to go home for a few hours and come back around 9:00pm, when she would be done with the work she had to run through the tool.  I decided it was a perfect night to go watch the Cougars practice, which is always fun, even when the coaches are working them hard as possible, they find little ways to be fun and entertaining.  I have loved being a part of the team and getting to know so many of the boys.  After practice, we went and ate dinner at Jimmy John's, a sub place.  The next day, Thursday, was a mess.

    I took Mijo to school almost 20 minutes late because he had to go to the restroom.  Fine, it happens.  I had been home maybe 10 minutes and was making some eggs and stuff for breakfast, when he called me, he didn't feel well.  He wanted to come home, felt like throwing up.  This would probably be ok most any other day, but I happened to work until 5:00am, so I was loopy and out of it, still, there I was driving back and forth to school a couple times.  I worked until 5:00am because I had so many samples to run through our tool, and not that they were all due the next day, but we had several more from that customer coming, so waiting to run them would just make the night longer to run, whenever I decided to do them.

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