Sunday, November 27, 2022

11/25/22 Last Longhorns Game At DKR?

     Friday was the last regular season game for the Longhorns and thanks to our partnership with them, our Crockett wrestling team was able to make money for the second time, as a group.  Yes, it would have been awesome of all 50+ players had volunteered, but that never happened with the football team, so the fact that we got 14 kiddos to show up was still pretty good.  I am not sure how our VP of the booster club got the idea or knowledge that this form of money making was out there, but we were able to grow our share from one concession to three because we were showing up with big numbers of "volunteers".  It has paid off as a total effort, but the kids are giving plenty too.

    For example, for this game that started at 11:00am, the kids had to be at Crockett at 5:00am.  This meant Mijo and the two friends that spent the night Thursday had to get up at 4:00am.  All Wife and I did was take them, and we had to get up by 4:30am.  We went and got off at the school to wait while everybody showed up and it was a chilly morning.  One of Mijo's friends showed up without a hoodie and in shorts, which meant he was going to suffer, when I asked him, he said he wasn't cold, and he liked the weather.  It was too early to argue with him or stop and get him a sweater, so I figured let the kid learn.  We stood around until about 5:40am then got going to be at UT by 6:00am.  I don't understand why they need the volunteers there so early, but it was like this for every game.  Each concession stand runs alone, and the volunteers are responsible for getting it started, running the cash registers, cleaning after and then restocking everything that gets used up.  This being the last game of the season, I am not sure if it was restocked after.

    I was watching the game at home, when it ended, and it was kind of close, Wife and I waited about an hour, then headed towards the mess.  It takes longer than an hour to clear out 100,000 people, driving towards the crowd is counter intuitive but we have to, in order to get our baby.  We picked him up around 3:30pm and took them to eat.  He had his GF and a couple of friends.  The don't deny that they earned that dollar, but we can tell that it is demanding while they are there.  For their efforts, each kid makes $100 a head plus 90% of all tips that they bring in.  Just with the number of volunteers, the wrestling team should have at least the $1400 dollars plus a little more from the tips.

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