Wednesday, March 13, 2024

3/13/24 I Saw A UFO, I Swear?

     Nowadays, the government is not even denying it anymore, but back in the 90's, I swear we saw something I can only assume was a UFO.  I am not one to believe in fairies, or even much of religion, the supernatural, as great as it is for stories, does not fit into day-to-day life.  The idea of a UFO is a possibility in my brain, because they are just a life form more advanced than us who have figured out space travel better than we have.  If we didn't spend half of our collective human energy trying to kill each other in stupid wars, we would probably be that much closer to figuring out how to have our own space fleet, much like in our movies and dreams, where we could then go and kill each other against other life forms on other planets, just saying how we are.

    But back in that evening, I was in Crystal City, maybe it was Christmas break or Spring break, but I was there enough days that going for a cruise seemed like a good idea.  Back home, that is about the best thing you can do as a teenager, to get out of the house.  It is a small town of around 10,000 people, so drive for 5 minutes in one direction and you go out of town, same for any other direction.  We have certain roads we all know that take you around the outskirts of town.  We probably went and picked up an Icee or a queer (honest name of the ice cream treat, Icee with soft serve ice cream on the bottom), then would drive through downtown, then make our way through the parks, then out of town, listening to the radio or some CDs, back in the day.  To this day, drive into Crystal City and within 5-10 minutes you will drive by someone blasting Metallica or Ozzy Ozbourne, the city is like a time capsule, things don't change in a fast pace.  I mean honestly, this is the time we would find a place to do it, but we didn't even get that far.  We drove past the Crystal Ballroom, the dance hall where proms and weddings are held, then continued out of town, there is a road that turns hard left and in 5-8 miles over brings you back into the city by the high school.

    I swear, and Wife was with me, we saw what we can only describe as the UFO from Close Encounters of the Third Kind, disk shaped.  It had the flashing lights across the fattest part of the belly and was easily the length of a football field to either side of the road.  It was hovering over a hill and in a tree line, we only saw the upper part in shadow, but the lights were real, and they were blinking.  Wife told me to turn back and let's go get my mom, so that they would believe us.  I told her, and she was not wanting to believe me, but she went, and upon seeing the same lights, she panicked too and told me to turn back.  I don't believe I needed more proof than my mom to see, so I turned back, but Wife swears that as I turned, it lifted up into the night sky and took off.  I can't say I saw that.

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