Thursday, October 5, 2017

10/6/17 Another Shoot Out?

    I don't understand why Congress and President Doofus are still not bringing up some sort of gun control after yet another mass killing.  Seriously, who needs that kind of firepower for hunting?  I thought it was a fucking sport?  Sport means the animal has a chance.  You should have one bullet and all the luck you can muster.  If you're just gonna open up like your shooting Somali pirates from a Navy vessel, are you really hunting or clearing forest with a gun?
    People were still making their way to the area hospitals in Vegas and the important white men in Washington were already declaring this is not the time to talk about gun control.  What?  we need another +500 people shot to show you that is the only good thing semi automatic guns are good for?  That and the cowardly gang banger who is going to spray a house without slowing down, what else are multi shooting rifles good for?
    I am not saying guns need to be banned, that idiot on the 32nd floor would not have been able to aim at anyone on the ground with a box full of pistols, the range just doesn't work.  If the guns he was using were single shot, his body count would have possibly been a tenth of what it was.  Instead, he could just stand there and hold down a trigger emptying clip after clip of 20-30 rounds at innocent people minding their own business.
    Our great President just reversed a law preventing mentally ill people from buying guns.  After the Sandy Hook tragedy, Obama pushed for a bill that said if someone is incapable of maintaining their own financial affairs then they aren't of sound mind to purchase and be the responsible steward of a lethal machine.  Trump disagreed, and says the mentally ill have as much right to protect themselves as anyone else.  The NRA of course supported this move.  Why?  As Americans, we own over 347million firearms, it's not like they are going away.
    I was anti gun myself, but over the last few years Boy got into guns, so I bought him a nice .22, followed by my father in law "gifting" him a shotgun and a 30-30 rifle, which is technically a good deer rifle.  I am always apprehensive around these guns, but so far, Boy has shown extreme responsibility with them.  He cleans them after each use and we keep the ammo locked up separately from the firearms.  Of course, we aren't the type of idiot you worry about.  Those types typically are angry at a world they don't quite understand.  Power, in the form of weapons makes them feel safer until they explode and feel the best thing to do is use their power on the outside world.  If these assholes would just start with testing their guns against their own heads first, the world could be a better place.

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