Tuesday, October 17, 2017

10/17/17 Help Me Noble One, You're My Only Dope?

    What inclines some people to jump on the wrong band wagon and support a group that might actually hurt you?  I know people are multifaceted and just because they are brown or black, that might not be their biggest breakdown and maybe it is myopic on my part, but dammit.  It is weird for me, for example way back even in the George W Bush days we had more uppity people working here with gay conservative friends they always said.  These people apparently had means and even contributed money to the conservative cause.  The only way I can understand that is you love your money more than the possibility of being treated like an equal person with equal rights?  Conservatives are not going to come around and embrace the gay community, it just won't happen, those people think differently, and that is alright, I guess.  Why support a group that hates you though, as a whole?
    I've seen the same things with a few black people peppered into the crowd for color (a little tongue in cheek) in those Trump rallies.  Maybe people buy his macho bullshit, but I have smelt cheap knockoff leader since he started.  He had 5 draft deferments (deferments are excuses for rich people to get out of service), yet he gets to be a tough guy on military?  He has one supreme court nominee, which was stolen from Obama, but whatever.  Other than that, his wall is yet to be started, his Trumpcare promises all sorts of crap, yet it really looks like if they pull the trigger it will cost more and cover less people, yet poor people still will support him.  I find this hilarious, if it weren't so dangerous for those that are going to find themselves without insurance.  Disease is not partisan, it goes after everybody eventually.  We should want a society protected, if we're going to call ourselves a great country.  Otherwise, be content saying we're an OK country when so many others have figured out how to cover everyone.
    I don't know that Trump is truly racist to the point of supporting the Nazis and all that crap from a few weeks ago and people will be quick to say they have a right because of the first Amendment, but I don't think hate groups gather in public places to "peaceably assemble".  They are going to talk shit and try to instigate a fight, that is what a hate group does.  Along comes this Ben Shapiro dude, who readily admits he was targeted by the white supremists groups yet still seems to side again and again with conservatives, why?  He is a jew so, yes, everyone has a right to peacefully assemble, you don't have to be the tip of the spear protecting their rights, when they would preferably start with getting rid of you.  He is now in a tennis match of words with Jimmy Kimmel.  Kimmel came out very anti guns after the crap in Vegas.  Shapiro broke down the game tape and poked back because Kimmel said it was the pro gun peoples fault.  Why step into this?  Vegas is Kimmel's hometown, he took it personally, not that his pain is greater than anyone elses, but it is his show to pour out his feelings if he wants to.  Nope!  Here comes one of the gun defenders, but why?  You a big hunter?  You like hearing the ping of empty cans when you shoot them off a fence line?  What do you gain by winning this argument, an Uzi for your collection?
    I want to like this guy, he is obviously smart, I just don't get why he is on the wrong team.  Oh well, he's on the winning team, right now.

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