Saturday, August 25, 2018

8/25/18 A Productive Day?

    I don't know about Wife and her new title.  She kind of seems to think she is my boss too, nowadays.  We call each other usually twice a day and catch each other up on what we are doing or what is going on at work.  Lately, she has gotten this tone of "well today you are going to do this and that."  She is forever obsessed with vacuuming and cleaning the bathrooms.  I understand that, but I tend to do different chores around the house.  It is rare the day that I don't do something positive to keep the house clean, but even then, I don't necessarily do what she prefers.  I like keeping the,  kitchen counters and sink clean.  Even after I do that, and always try to keep the stove looking shiny by using Windex and stuff, she will still complain about the floors.
    I also like to keep our clothes washed and clean.  I try to wash a couple of loads during the week, and then on Sunday nights I always stay up until all the clothes is washed and put away since I don't work until Monday night.  Yesterday, I even stripped our bed and the two guest bedrooms of their sheets and gave them a washing as my folks are coming up next week and Boy had company here last week.
    Yesterday, inspired by Yak Motley, a guy I follow on YouTube, first for his kayaking adventures, but he is kind of entertaining and likes to show different parts of Florida.  He re-did his backyard by spending a little money and elbow grease to get ready for Saturday college football.  I have had the perfect backyard for such things, other than the sun goes down on the back of the house and with the summer heat, we can't even enjoy our huge patio until the sun goes below the trees around 8:30pm.  I decided to hang some 4x8 foot sheets of lattice to break up the direct sun.  I didn't get far yesterday because Boy always takes my tools and is not very good at putting things back where they belong, but I got started eventually.
    I also managed to clean and rearrange Javalina's room, he had a small sofa in front of the three windows in his room and it made it almost impossible to open them, and come the fall and cold fronts, that is primarily where the northern air comes in through the house.  Any day I can turn off the A/C is a good day for me.  I picked up so many candy wrappers and soda cans and corralled all his video games back together, vacuuming his room and the hallway upstairs.  I did not stop from 5:00am yesterday until Wife showed up around 7:30pm other then a snack at noon.  I also went around and replaced various burnt out lightbulbs and even rehung the smaller TV I hung in the breakfast nook, which had a flat against the wall TV stand, I replaced it with one that pivots sideways, so if you are on the kitchen island or even by the stove, you can still watch it.
    "That's nice, but you didn't do any of the chores I wanted you to do."  Umm, no.  I did the chores I wanted to do.  I even fixed up the kitchen, we had like 6-7 12 packs of soda just on a half wall, along now with a case of water and a case of Gatorade and a big box of bags of chips which I moved into the pantry by doing a lot of re-organizing and throwing away old things.
    You just have to be a stronger man than normal around powerful women type.  She has no on/off switch, she is always in work mode which I don't mind, but her energy needs to be focused on something because when she comes after you, it is at full strength.  This is a big house and it takes a lot of energy to keep it up.  I know she means well with her ideas of clean this and that, but I think what I do is also beneficial.  We need to train those two brown turds that live here, for free, to vacuum and each of them keep one of the bathrooms clean.  I think that would solve everything.

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