Thursday, July 6, 2017

7/7/17 Not The Man At The Moment?

    How the mighty have fallen, seems like just a year ago I was holding court encouraging one and all to buy RVs and join us on the coast.  A couple of bad plays in life and I find myself tucked in the kids cubby of my mom's RV, feeling like a child even as my own child lies five feet away in the sofa converted to a bed.  This is either the sad reality of the rest of our lives where I get to ride "bitch" to family functions or it is a necessary step to improving ourselves financially and doing it right in a couple of years.
    It is kind of funny, in a way, staying with my mom, feeling like a kid.  When we arrived in Corpus, my folks had already been here and we told them we could meet them at the big HEB by the RV park.  That was fine, we both got there about the same time, walked in with Mom and she lost us about two minutes into the store.  I don't know what turn she took, but we got eggs, and then I turned because Wife was being Wife about getting something or other.  I like trying new things, she prefers the mantra "I don't eat it at home, why would I eat it here."  I was thinking bagels would be yummy with those philly cream cheese flavored thingies in pineapple or strawberry, but I was quickly reminded that I don't normally eat that.  My mom disappeared while that played out and then we couldn't figure which direction to go and I didn't want to start putting things in the basket without comparing what she was getting.  Wife was pushing me to decide between this and that, meanwhile I am not wanting to decide without knowing if my mom had already gotten some of whatever, so I am all GRrrrrr!!! walking around looking for her, then one of the older HEB ladies asked if I was looking for something, and I said thanks, but not really, I heard Wife tell her "He lost his Mommy, he can't think without her."  I gave her a half-ass Heh heh.  Mom popped out a couple seconds later that she went to get Styrofoam plates, I forget she is magically slow, we walked half the aisles in the time it took her to go get the plates, she hadn't gone anywhere far, just one row over from where we lost her.
    I have no intention of being lame for life, and I do own my own RV, it just hasn't been moved and I am not sure how it would do on the highway, and I would have to ask my father in law for my old truck, but I could have brought my RV up to the coast too.  I am thinking for next year, we might do that, although I am also certain we are going to Disney, so I don't want to squawk about the RV too.  I had always thought it feels good to be the power person, the alpha, with the toys at my command, but I do like this showing up and everything is already set up, we just got our clothes and pillows off, bought some food, and laid down where they told us to.  I guess this is how our friends felt when we would invite them, just throw down anywhere, as long as there is air conditioning, it is all good. 
    I don't think you can keep a good man down permanently, just give me a credit score of 750 or so and watch me rally.  I fully see myself in one of those class A motorhomes, using it to go to Florida, campout on the coast, follow Chubs on football games, anything that requires that larger than life attitude.  For this year though, we be mooching!

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