Saturday, July 15, 2017

7/15/17 Finally Saw What The Seductress Of Addiction Looks Like?

    I was never attracted to the lifestyle taken by many of my peers in high school and even college.  Alcohol never did much to call my name.  I honestly didn't try drinking to get drunk until my 30's and really because we installed a pool and hot tub and we were starting to "party" with friends.  Even so, beer has always been gross, but I will drink liquor if a party breaks out.  I still remember playing liquor pong a couple summers ago, same as beer pong, but I would run in take random bottles of liquor and use it like beer.  The rowdy crowd we had would play along and good times were generally had by all.
    For whatever reason, those good times have about stopped.  We haven't had a good party in about two years which is probably as long as it has been since I got drunk.  I'll see new drinks, like those "Not Your Father's Root Beer" or some apple cider concoction, buy them and maybe drink one of the beers a weekend, I  have a second fridge in the wash room full of probably expired beers, going by the dates on the bottles.
    I also tried smoking those fat cigars, like the cool guy were doing in the 80's and 90's, a la Arnold Schwarzeneggar, but dammit, it felt like I was trying to hold a penis in my mouth with my lips while sucking in smoke to keep it lit, and then it would get all soggy.  I bought all sorts of different sizes and price points, but they all pretty much suck.
    Last night though, I accidentally smelled a new Seductress, and let me tell you, she let me get my nose deep in there where the good lord split her, ooh man.  I was at work and had worked with some solvents for a customer.  We dilute the solvent by taking a very small amount with a pipette and dilute it with 1% nitric acid.  Because they are solvents and highly flammable, we keep anything they come in contact with in metal trash cans.  I've dealt with the can before and usually I grab my stuff and just tuck it in, barely lifting the lid an inch.  Last night, I was standing, mostly cleaning the area I had been using so I used the foot pedal which opens the can top all the way.  The smell was sweet, but chemicall-y, intoxicating, yet delicious.  I felt like those men in the Odyssey that jumped in the water after the mermaids and their siren song.  It was only a second, but wow.  I wanted to leave it open and have the smell fill the room.
    At my age, I think I can fight any urges, I certainly am not going to turn into one of those skinny junkies, spending all day long huffing spray paint, but I have to say if this is what it's like, I get it.  I could hear the can calling me later that night "Come over here, Big Boy."  "I gotta tell you something"
    I have to figure out where this trash goes, take it out and hopefully, the witch in there disappears, if for awhile.  I did not smell it a second time, but I was thinking about it, the smell was just exotic.

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