Tuesday, September 6, 2016

9/6/16 Chubs Needs To Come Home?

     I feel real badly for my Chubs, he wants to come back home in the worst way.  He loves being home, even if we don't go anywhere.  Part of the problem stems from my parent's deciding to gut the kitchen and re-do it with a couple of guys who have daytime jobs.  They might be doing good work, but they can only go at it in the afternoon after they finish their shifts.  It has been over a month and a half and they have yet to see the cabinets that are going to be in there.  There was word Friday, but then they were expecting rain, and the cabinets are being assembled in Mexico and being brought over in the back of a truck.  I have no doubt that the kitchen will be pretty once they are done, but in the meantime, my peeps are living in a house with no kitchen.  They have been getting by going to my sister's house to use their kitchen to make dinner, but then are kind of left feeling like they are in the way.
    Chubs hates being "followed" into his room by his younger cousins who are probably being younger cousins who want to play and explore with their bigger newer cousin.  His last chance is that Boy does not get into this apartment which he is interviewing for this week.  Like I said, the apartments are weird, even with availability, the kids must meet certain criteria before they are allowed.
    He does have some good news, and that is that the school he is going to is saving his spot until the middle of October, so he can still come back and be a little Einstein.  That sounds especially good to me, considering the bulk of his friends went over there to Bedicheck Middle School and that is where he would be.
    Instead of this long Labor Day Weekend satiating his need to be home, it just awoke the beast inside of him.  He was ready for us to give in, keptsaying "so I can stay?"  hoping we would cave in and just let him stay.  It will be a challenge, but Boy seems comfortable at home, we have been able to spend more time together, so I am liking him being home.  His friend is still there and he is a good fit, I have always liked this kid, he is offereing himself to watch Chubs if it helps, and although I like him doing this, I don't want to make a big family decision on an outsider who might decide he wants to go live with his girlfriend next month, or he finds a cheaper alterenative to my exorbitant rental fees.

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