Sunday, September 18, 2016

9/19/16 Things To Keep Us Busy?

    We have a couple things in the frying pan right now.  If all goes well, we should be enjoying them before the end of the year.  This weekend was a rare one for us, as both Wife and I are working on a cold.  I picked it up at work a week ago, as most everybody has gone through it, then Wife unluckily picked it up off me.  As far as being sick goes, it was a mild attack on the body, mostly congestion in the sinuses, and a little cough.
    Other than not going out this weekend for dinner as we have been doing, everything else was pretty much standard procedure.  Wife got up here around 9:00pm, a little later than usual, as she was tending to issues I would rather not get into.  I was here entertaining with Chubs.  He invited four friends, so I had to start my Friday afternoon at Target as we usually do, for sodas and junk food.
    Back to things to do though, Wife says we "have to go" to SeaWorld.  She bought tickets last year, and with all the pressure of her starting her new job this summer, we never even got as far as San Antonio, once we had our vacation to Florida.  We are supposed to go sometime in October, to enjoy the Halloween activities.  Personally, I don't consider it a good fall unless we go to the Texas Renaissance Festival, which also starts up in the next couple weeks.
    A huge project which went silent for a few weeks is our solar panel project.  They finally contacted us and they came this week to evaluate the roof and look around at our current electric panel box.  People still don't understand this one, so of course, I am an Idiot, but long term, we should even get free electricity for about 12 years.  We had a choice to pay either $299 for 20 years, or $354 for 12 years.  The system is guaranteed to work by the company for 25 years.  Best case scenario, we pay it off after 12 years, and get to enjoy free electricity for another 13 years, plus the fact that we won't be experiencing small increases in the electric bill, over time.  We will be producing extra power during the day while the sun is out, so the meter should run in reverse, then as needed we will consume whatever we need.  The system is designed to produce more electricity than we consume in a year to year evaluation.  The plan is to have this done by December, and we don't start getting charged until the system is installed and tested.
    I've got other projects burning on the skillet, but I don't think you are ready to hear about them, as I will seem like an idiot child in your eyes, so I will wait to disclose on that.  This week, at least, I hope to start decorating the inside of the house with our Halloween decorations.  This just starts the ball rolling downhill.  Before we know it, it'll be November and Thanksgiving time.  Then shopping for gifts for the kids and stuff for Christmas.  Busy busy busy!!!

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