Thursday, May 31, 2018

6/1/18 More People Sucking In My World?

    If you need something to write, just go out and mingle with society.  I am always mildly impressed at how self absorbed people can be.  First of all, I spent all day in bed today, the last two weeks I have been going out of my way at work, our main tool is down and the only time we can use the other one is at night, so I have been running most of our samples, which is fine, but it leaves me tired.  I slept all day, thinking there was a chance I would be called in, if only to stay ahead of the work, but I guess not paying OT is more important than returning the data in on time???  It is a fine line my superiors run, but I would let me do ALL THE OT I THOUGHT I needed.  Still, no call, which was also fine, I hurt my toe last weekend and it was nice to rest it in bed all day long.
    The only problem with being in bed all day, is I have a growing Javalina in my house, and he is hungry pretty much all the time.  We eat together after school around 4:00pm, yet sometimes by the time I am heading to work at 6:30pm, he will already be in the kitchen setting up his dinner, It is going to be expensive to feed him through high school.
    So we headed to Target, mostly because it is the closest store to the house, not because of the selection, I have noticed a very limited supply of choice in the cookie aisle, for example.  But back to today, we decided on a couple packages of Jack Daniel's flavored ribs and brisket.  I want to like them, but I have yet to really feel like they are delicious.  We got an assortment of other junk food, breakfast stuff for Saturday morning with Wife, and marshmallows because I love eating them .
    Outside, we noticed a group of people gathered on the street where I would be backing into to get out of my parking spot.  I got lucky in that the very first spot closest to the store was open, so I took it.  It can be hard to back out with the Excursion having such a large ass, but at this point, I am used to it.  The pack of idiots seemed more like they were on a cross country trip in which they had all gotten out of the car to stretch, including two or three dogs.  There were a couple teenagers/kids playing with a basketball being spastic and bouncing here and there.  The mom/leader was deaf or she was talking with sign language to about half of them.  I tried getting her attention, but I saw all the hand gestures and she was opening the door, I figured she saw me and my need for her to move her shit.  She scooted forward a whole two feet which did very little to help me, and as I was backing up and determining it was going to be tricky, one of the idiot girls stole the basketball from the dude, and in one motion almost ended up under my SUV.  I stopped and waited, which she popped back into view a second later from below my vehicle's windows.  The mom noticed maybe my vehicle was bigger and she then kept driving forward, but with another of the kids on the hood.  Man, this was a rowdy bunch.  What if I had run over the girl with the basketball?  What if the kid riding on the hood fell and she ran over him?  I was glad to get away from that pack of stupid people.

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