Wednesday, May 23, 2018

5/23/18 Spring Concert Was HOT?

    My biggest thing about these little concerts is who the hell is in charge?  You gotta think about the people and their comfort levels.  Your stupid ass might be skinnier than normal and sitting in a sauna just requires you a thin shawl but most of the people around you are fat Mexicans.  You want us to sit and pay attention, but all we can think of is "where is the A/C?"
    The lead director got after the sixth graders 2-3 times for moving around and being fidgety, but dammit, in that heat, I couldn't help it myself.  We get to sit in bleachers designed for junior high kids, so they are smaller and more compact, meaning the adults sitting on them are closer than we want to be to one another and thus we can feel each other's heat.
    I still think they have too many bands, the concert band was only 9 students, come on.  They should just be absorbed into the other two bands, which at least have over 30 students each and start sounding like a decent band.  The scheduling worked perfectly as Wife was able to come and attend with me.  She even made dinner for afterwards, and tuna for tomorrow.
    Javalina has improved on the Bari Sax, he tells us he is a "god" when he plays, but we have yet to hear him play by himself.  He will probably have to decide between sports or music in another year.  It sucks, but there aren't enough hours in a day to do everything.  I chose the sax because my ego was stroked before heading to high school.  One of the band directors pulled me aside and said he wanted to see me continue and not give it up because he felt I could be something special.  This is pretty much all it took me, plus the fact that our football teams were always mediocre, at best, winning 2-3 games a year, at that time.
    Javalina is a jock, complete with that need to constantly be playing grab-ass with the other boys.  Damn kid can't keep his hands to himself.  He brings friends over and if he isn't trying to carry them, he is trying to squish them or hug them to lift them off the ground.  That is jock mentality, I never felt a need to be hugging and squeezing on the other guys or rolling around on the ground.
    As far as the concert, it was what it was, I just could not focus on anything but the fact that Stupid did not request the A/C be turned on.  If it was broke, this should have been moved to the cafeteria.  A crowded band hall would have made a better venue.  The A/C was blasting in there, I helped move some drums and it was almost chilly.

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