Tuesday, May 15, 2018

5/15/18 Throwing People Under The Bus?

    Why do some people think this is a good idea, specially nowadays when we are all connected way too closely with phones and email.  I will admit I do it harmlessly, such as if we are late to my folks or my in-laws, sometimes I am just dragging ass or distracted trying to do something else, I don't have a problem saying yeah, "we were waiting for Boy to get out of work."  I mean this is harmless and actually paints the boy as a harder working person than he is.  I would never sell him out and say something ugly like "well, we're waiting on Boy, he was out partying, now he's in bathroom throwing up for the last hour.  We'll be there when we can."  Boy doesn't really drink, so luckily, we don't have these problems.
    How about professionally?  Usually, when a small fixable thing gets by one of us, the other person will catch it and fix it, no problem.  I got busted a couple times when I was starting out, I'd catch a mistake and I would point it out instead of fixing and hiding.  A few confrontations and one learns to play the game a little smarter.  I was told "are you sure you want to continue in this path of throwing people under the bus?"  By being one of the team, there is an added layer of someone watching your back plus this place is like freaking Cuba, us worker bees on the floor don't matter, why help management when they hardly help us?  Our current system seems perfect, and after working with the same people almost twenty years, some of us coworkers carry on like family, much better than trying to claw my way to the top.
    Wife is in a much different fish bowl, she is basically the #2 person on campus, the only way to climb for her would be to replace the superintendent.  She plays it straight and by the book, she knows she is only there for a few years at most, we can't live 200 miles apart indefinitely.  Some of the other people around her are straight up weasels and try to throw anyone under the bus, if they can look good in the process.  This being a small town, it seems like a normal way to operate.  One of Wife's underlings wanted to write up someone for whatever reason, but he used Wife's name as the reason for doing so.  Ooh, Wife heard about it, sat and fumed all weekend as he hid the last two days and avoided her but she caught him and he acted like the weasel that he is.  "No, Miss, it was a miss-understanding."  "What I meant to say was blah blah blah."
    I would hope this Knucklehead learns, but some people are hard headed.  Wife is tenacious and as professional as she is, she can be like a mama bear.  I would hate to see this get physical, because like a real mama bear, Wife has a good 60-80 pounds on the miniature idiot, he might be learning the hard way.

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