Sunday, April 3, 2016

4/4/16 Batman V. Superman: Dawn of Justice?

    We've been on a roll, going to the movies regularly now for a few weekends.  This week we saw Batman V. Superman, it was ok, but even afterwards, we are left asking each other "why?"  If we accept a world where Superman and the rest of the heroes live, then we must accept how they behave.  Superman tries his best not to hurt humans, and he specially of all the heroes does not use man made weapons.  The first problem, to me, was that Superman gets blamed for a mass murder out in Africa somewhere.  We see a group of men, dressed in black killing everybody with guns that have special bullets.  Of course, these men leave no trace, except for a bullet which Lois Lane manages to find buried in her journal where it was shot.
    Some random woman from the tribes or whatever of the people that were killed starts blaming Superman to a senate council and of course, they run with it.  They say you are right, we must put a stop to Superman, enter young Luthor, who manipulates a couple of senators like they are special needs kids who ride the little yellow bus.  Batman, without being asked or prompted gets involved and he thinks it would be a good idea to put a stop to Superman too.  He feels he should have the kryptonite Luthor has found.  If this was a real world, Batman and Superman would already have each others phone numbers, they would at least be friendly if not friends.  But no, Batman has a revelation that he will stop Superman, complete with a workout montage where he is working himself up to battle Superman.  I am a fan of Ben Affleck, always have been, and I can buy him as Batman, but this movie is just based on misunderstandings. 
    In their battle sequence, Superman without trying is flicking Batman around like a booger on his finger, until he breaks out the new weapons, he has kryptonite spray which weakens Superman to mortal status for about 30 seconds, and he has a spear which he is about to finally kill him when enter Lois Lane and says one or two sentences and clears the whole misunderstanding up, suddenly they realize Luthor has been playing them and they go after him.
    Meanwhile, he has taken refuge in a spaceship Superman had been fighting at the beginning of the movie.  Of course, even though the ship is alien, it quickly picks up proper English, and even understands Luthor's snarkiness.  He takes commander Zogs body (Superman's old foe), puts a little of his blood and the spaceship even with it being completely damaged has enough ability to recreate life.  Even with the tickets being free for us, I wanted my money back at this point.  The only good thing to come out at this point in the movie was Wonder Woman came out in all her sexiness and bad ass self.  She is a beauty, but Wonder Woman should have bigger boobs.  We are teased of Aquaman and Flash coming out, but I guess they are for another movie.
    Camp DC needs to get their shit together.  first of all, you got to great heroes fighting over miscommunication, which is fine, I guess.  But in your world, you got senate hearings trying to handle the good guys by destroying them, which I guess you gotta do what you gotta do.  But the best part of going to the movies Saturday night was seeing the preview to Suicide Squad.  It is the same DC universe, they don't have good guys to fight an out of control Joker, so they gather a squad of bad guys to take him down.  Maybe if you weren't in such a hurry to bring down Superman, and the other heroes.  This just seems like layers of dumb, but OMG, Hayley Quinn, played by Margot Robbie (hottie wife from Wolf of Wall Street) is a feast for the senses in her bright colors and sexy manners.
    I don't want to ruin the ending of Batman V. Superman, but it wasn't great.  Lex Luthor, even being a complete pain in the ass and causing most everything that happened in the movie, survives but goes to jail, where I am sure he will escape as soon as the next movie rolls around.  Ben Affleck didn't spend enough time as Batman, and Superman should be more human, he grew up on earth, we were told, he needs a sense of humor.

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