I have to admit I have become a bit obsessed with the idea of creating some sort of secret passages in my house. I got the idea from watching videos on youtube, and I think they could even help save a life some day. There is also the use of dead space to create a safe place or a hideaway for valuables which I find fascinating.
The easiest "secret passageway" would be to connect the wall in our bedroom with the closet in the bedroom behind the wall. The best solution I have come up with I saw from a guy who had a large mirror in his basement which slid on drawer sliders to the side and revealed a hidden "safe room". I would need to purchase a five feet tall mirror or so, cut out the sheetrock on the wall between two studs, finish the hole in the wall with pieces of 2x4 above and below. I could place an identical mirror in the closet, or just frame the hole and use a sheet of aluminum as access to a crawl space, it would be in the closet, thus not needing to be so presentable. I think eventually I would connect the room over to Boy's bedroom, then through his closet over to Chub's closet. What if there was ever a fire in the front of the house and we didn't have access to the stairway or the main doors to the room? These passageways would be an alternate way to move around upstairs from location to location.
The other idea is using the "lost" space under the staircase. We do have a good sized closet in the normal tall part of the stairs right now. But I know there is a bunch of space we could also access, our stairs go from the front foyer up about five feet then turn roughly 90 degrees and then go up. They do the same from the back of the house, these steps meet the landing about five feet up. I know it sits empty, if I could install a small access door, maybe through the closet, or more fun would be a half size door framed like a hobbit door or something. If anything, we could use the space to put away jackets or Christmas/Halloween decorations.
I would also love the idea of a big fifty gun safe sitting under the stair landing, I need to measure if they stay under about five feet tall. I would have to create an opening in the wall, facing our "formal dining" room and bolt the safe to the ground somehow. We could then safely protect our weapons cache which consists of what a normal Texan considers his guns. A little of this, a little of that, maybe a grenade launcher, the keys to my tank that I keep out in the greenbelt. I also have some diamonds worth millions, a small dash of kryptonite in case Superman gets uppity, oh and my baby teeth go in there for safe keeping.
The main reason I haven't started tonight is Wife knows I'm an idiot and I might cut holes in the walls and then hang a towel or a Star Wars poster to hide my passages. It's an old catch-22 with my fine ass lady. She won't let me buy the power tools I need to do the job right and I can't do the job right without buying the right power tools. Maybe I hide the power tools under the stairs after I cut a secret opening. That's it, I just don't tell her, so shhhh, don't tell her about my master plan.
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