Monday, April 25, 2016

4/26/16 Neighborhood Is Going Through Its Teen Years?

    I don't know if I am a little happy or disgusted by this new trend of renters moving into our neighborhood.  On paper, they are people just like you and me.  In reality, we are paying out the ass to afford to stay in our house, we try to keep it looking as nice as possible, and we are generally proud of the home itself, it is supposed to be a nicer neighborhood.
    Enter Joe Renter, and he doesn't care for the house as if it was his, the grass might be cut, if it suits them or not, if they just like staying indoors.  And don't even give me crap, I had 5-6 different renters in my house, and although they didn't set out to destroy the house, they also didn't water the yard when I installed new grass when we moved out, they wouldn't cut the grass.  At one point, I even went and got a new lawn mower, when one of them said they would do it if they had one.  I gave them mine, used it as an excuse to buy myself a newer one, and now I have both side by side.  The one the renters used is missing the gas cap, why?  Fucking why?  It costs $3 to buy a new one, and the blade itself drags on the floor, so it was bent at some point.  I used to cut the grass over there, I never had a problem.  Renters have no reason to care.  If I borrowed somebody's whatever and I damaged it, I would be quick to want to repair it, or at least bring it up and apologize.
    I say I am not sure if I am happy or not because for the first few years I was the target of whoever busy body reports stuff to the HOA.  I would get letters to cut my yard (yes, I had to be trained, but really it was Boy who always did a tragic job, the little Half-ass), they called the city on me when my pool turned green last winter into the spring, I was even reported when I had little blue lights in my back patio that they were a nuisance and to remove them.  Now the busy bodies are fighting with the renters.  Tonight, Wife heard from the neighbor that they were collecting signatures against a certain house down from ours.  The guy is a welder and he is at it at his house all the time.  It doesn't bother me, they are far enough away that his banging doesn't make it into my house.  But the focus is off my back and unto these guys.  I believe the guy threatened my neighbor with the old "snitches get stitches" routine.  Said something like quit taking pictures of my trashy yard or you might get yourself shot.  Fucking ghetto, forget my home value ever getting above $400,000 with trash like that.  At least it makes me look like a much better neighbor, I never threatened anybody's life. 
    I don't even blame them, it's section 8 that allows people to get houses they normally wouldn't be able to afford.  F that, nobody is paying my mortgage, why can't the government pay a couple of my house payments to the tune of $2600?  I guess that is our reward for going to school, getting good paying jobs, sacrificing my free time and working all the OT I can get, and moving on up.  I get Joe "I kill you" as my neighbor.  You're doing a great job, Austin.  We already shop in Kyle HEB thanks to your stupid bag ban, keep it up, it'll be real funny when people that actually pay for shit flee to the suburbs and everybody in town is supported by y'all.

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