Monday, April 25, 2016

4/25/16 Is All This Walking Helping?

    About a year and a half ago, I was doing my usual thing of walking laps at work.  I had gradually gotten myself to walking four miles a night.  I do a twelve hour shift, usually coming home for lunch between ten and midnight.  I would aim to do two miles the first half, and two miles the second half.  It wasn't hard and I just thought of it as part of my routine.  If I arrived early, I might do the first mile before I even walked in to say hi and do our shift pass-down, when I talk to the day people about what is going on with the tool and anything else that might affect me.  At some point, another dude came to nights, I've mentioned him before, he's alright now that we've known each other for awhile, but he was very abrasive in the beginning.  I'm not sure that he meant anything negative, but he caught me on one of my laps one night and asked very bluntly "Is all this walking helping you?"
    I dismissed him at first, but then I thought, hmm, I haven't lost any weight, I hover around 350 pounds, so maybe I am just wasting my time.  At the time, I would also go to the gym twice a week, trying to get back to lifting weights like when I was in college.  One thing led to another, we stopped going to the gym, my lifting partner got remarried a couple years ago, and is very hit and miss when we go.  He also had a gym he would go with his wife, so I understood lifting with me was not a priority.  Then we had the whole moving thing, which really put me in a tailspin health wise.  I was going on very little sleep daily for a couple months, trying to go over there and do odd jobs, we got painters, for example, but they left all the blinds on the ground.  I then had to figure out where all the brackets were and which went to what windows, which took a couple days when you only have two hours a day to go over there between work.  There was a constant barrage of little odd jobs like that.  I also replaced all the A/C return vents, which took many trips to Home Depot and Lowe's.
    By the time we sold the house, it was time to go to Florida, I know waah, all that work then a week long vacation, but I never recuperated from overworking myself.  Plus I was putting on weight, developed a nasty habit of being sleepy all the time, breathing out loud like a fat boy, and on and on.  I lost any flexibility I had, bending down to pick up stuff from the ground became harder.  By the time I decided to do something and at least start walking again seriously, I got up to 409 pounds.
    Three weeks ago we started a new diet, and I am back to walking four miles every night last week.  I weighed myself today and am down 21 pounds to 388.  I know it is still more than most NFL linemen, but I have stopped breathing heavy, Wife noticed this weekend, I stayed alert all day, I wasn't whining for a nap, my clothes are fitting better.  A month ago, I was starting to shop for some size 56 shorts, 54 was not really fitting anymore.  I have about four shorts in size 54, and they are all fitting loosely, which I am waiting excitedly to get back down to 52, and then even lower.  Wife had bought me a handful of new fishing shirts at Academy in 4X and they were tight, which scared me thinking I'm gonna end up wearing moo-moo's pretty soon.
    In conclusion, I need to answer that question from a year and a half ago, yes!  All this walking is helping me.  Don't be tugging at the threads of my life, I may unravel again, Ass.  He did kind of apologize when I bought it up to him, but he insisted he didn't want me to stop walking, he wants me to join him at the gym and run on the treadmills.  I just can't go around willy-nilly, as my schedule revolves around Chubs and Wife meeting me after work to get him.

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