I am not tempted by the idea of gambling. Boobs, yes, all day long, giant or dainty, I love them all, but gambling never made sense to me. Any study into casinos tells you right away that the house has an advantage over the gambler, and that is if they aren't cheating somehow. You think that the common person walking in with below average intelligence has a way to "beat" the house? Come on, get real. I have only walked into one casino, Harrah's in New Orleans close to the French quarter. We walked in Wife and I with some friends, expecting to see like in the movies, people alive and gambling as champagne is poured and smiles are flashed by all. NOPE!!!! It is easily the saddest environment, next to funeral homes, I have ever experienced. Half dead people, with cigarettes dangling from their mouths, feeding the slot machines in a never ending style. I didn't see a single smile, I actually felt my soul getting sucked out of me. I got separated from Wife, so I sat at a bar area and just looked around, wondering why would people come in voluntarily.
That experience was at least legal, fast forward to about three years ago when my dad said there are now casinos in our small town, my first and only words were "umm, I hope you don't go in there, they are illegal." I then asked my mom and she said there are a few of them. Up until yesterday, there were about nine different gambling homes. No, my hometown does not have a large and varied Indian population that explains this. FBI and all the important systems that make sure our civilization works correctly finally got off their asses and arrested a few people that were allowing the casinos to operate. I hate that it took this long because a certain fellow that provided half my DNA loved going and pissing away any pennies, nickels, and dimes he found, not that I ever saw him do it.
Either way, the laws are such bullshit. It is OK for churches to have Bingo Nights, which is gambling, we have the lotto, which is gambling too. The United States is OK with gambling, allowing it in Las Vegas, Louisiana, New Jersey (?), and anywhere you have enough Indians to organize and get paid. Stupid people need places to gamble, our government should realize and figure that they can get their share out of it. Why are they holding onto any religious or conservative thoughts on this? You allow alcohol to be sold, that ruins more lives than anything else combined. The lotto was going to be used "only" for education, but it is such a cash cow, it is helping in other sectors, or it is being abused, either way. Try out some legal casinos, the only people who are going to be scammed are the DumDums who think they can out think a machine that doesn't think.
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