It has been awhile, but it looks like we finally backed up enough workwise that they asked us to come in and work the weekend. Since the start of the year, we had not had even enough work to keep us busy most nights, it was starting to get a little worrisome. This week, though, at the beginning of the week we had an old customer come back asking for some work which just takes a long time to do. Because this was made Priority, meaning the customer is willing to pay double our rates, he goes to the front of the line. All the other work sat until this customer was appeased. I did a lot of the work, because I am here alone at night, so that was fine.
By Thursday night, we already knew we were backed up to need some work over the weekend. Because we have also been having trouble with our tool, today was mostly lost to the maintenance guys who I guess did fix at least the tilt function. I was then expecting to maybe get a full night of OT, but today my supervisor asked if I could come in all three nights this weekend. Several customers need their data as soon as possible. By working through the weekend, they should get their data by Monday morning.
Another angle to worry about is that working OT becomes like anything else, a part of life. When we don't do it for a long time, it does feel like a huge burden. I have enjoyed the last few months of hanging out at home, taking it easy with Wife and the boys. But the reality is that the OT is what gives us the "extra" income to do whatever we like doing. When I am working a lot of regular OT is when I routinely take $200-$300 out every paycheck just as WAM, walk around money. The other side of that deal is that when I don't work any extra, I must tighten my belt and go without. I had put away a couple of bucks which got me through the last few months, which of course, is the first thing I will try and replenish is my fun stash I keep for a rainy day.
We are trying to wean ourselves of credit cards, so Wife is wanting me to start getting used to paying for things with cash again. I just like having a little bit on me, when Chubs asks for lunch money, or now I am giving him $20 every payday to put in his Disney piggy bank. I don't want to be the kind of duffus that has to ask his wife for a couple bucks, that is demeaning.
She has been doing a great job picking up the slack though, working her version of OT by taking kids on college visits and stuff on the weekends. It is this form of team play that makes me feel better when things go slow for me that I know we will be alright. Disney is mostly already paid for. At this point, she is just making money to make sure we can all walk around the Disney parks enjoying ourselves and feasting like the fat Americans that we are.
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