Monday, February 1, 2016

2/1/16 Living In A World Of Self-Entitled Schmucks?

    You all know my opinion of people that generally humans suck.  I had not been out in a crowd in a while, and OMG, even the kids headed to the smart schools have families that suck gonads.  Chubs was testing today (Saturday), at a local school which meant that we were surrounded by a couple hundred kids and their parents.  First of all, there were the parents who got there right on time.  That is a fallacy, if the test was to start at 11:00, how about putting the crack pipe down at 9:30 and getting going a little earlier, you know, so you aren't walking into the building as your kid is supposed to be starting the test.  It pissed me off to get there at 10:30, have one of the monitors tell everyone "we are going to line up over here (signaling with her hands), but not yet.  Of course, all the good good parents started lining up immediately.  The monitor did say to wait another ten minutes, but by then all the good people were mostly lined up.  I then lined up when she finally said "parents go ahead and line up with your kids."
    I would say thirty percent of the people arrived at this time, and they kept lining up like a snake with no end.  The last parents showed up around 11:10 but the line was still filing in.  Once the kids went in, only the parents and their younger siblings remained.  I ended up yelling at three kids, I was half expecting the parents to give me shit, but I guess the parents are as shitty as the kids.  Two boys started running up a half height brick wall, then it had a slope like a slide next to where I was sitting.  They did it once, fine, then again, getting a little braver, by the fourth time they were running and starting to get loud about it.  I put my hand up on the wall, firmly said no and stop it.  They looked at each other confused and ran outside.  No parents around it seemed.  After thirty minutes or so, they came back and from the other side climb the wall that looked like a slide and slid again.  I looked at them with anger in my eyes and asked them "do you understand what behave means?  For a second, I thought they might be little beaners, but they ran back outside.  After the test was over, they came inside with a woman in a burka thing covering everything but her face.  If the mom was outside, why were they so comfortable running around inside the building?  Another little girl (7-9yrs) lined up on the wall directly behind me and tucked her feet and hung from the hand rail.  I looked back and told her "you better not kick me, I don't want apologies after."  The kid looked over and her mom was sitting right there next to me, but didn't tell me anything.  She gave the kid a look like "that's what you get."
    Another incident had a dude, happened to be black, knocking on the cafeteria doors.  I turned around and said "hey, they are testing in there."  He looked at me like he was in the middle of saving the world and said to me "yeah, this kid needs to get in there to finish his test."  Two hundred students in the middle of a test, don't need to be distracted by your idiot ass smacking the door so mr. Small Bladder runs back in after he peed.  Which was another thing that bothered me.  There was a 40 minute essay, 20 minute break, then a 50 minute exam.  Halfway through the 40 minute essay, 5-10 kids had to go to the restroom.  They were all told to go to the bathroom before, if your bladder can't hold for 40 minutes, magnet schools can''t help you, Son.  One of the kids was walking around wasting time after he went to the bathroom, he had to be called back in.  All kids are not created equally, and if this is this kids best attention, he doesn't need to be with the future leaders distracting everybody.

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