Thursday, February 11, 2016

2/12/16 When Do We Let My Baby Become My Man?

    We were watching one of our favorite shows tonight and the issue of mama not wanting to let her baby boy go through the beginning of adolescent "boy necessities" came up.  First of all, The Goldbergs is one of the best family shows on TV.  The mom played by Wendi Mclendon Covey is over the top, playing helicopter mom before the term was invented.  The dad is also a perfect stereotype, Jeff Garlin, owns a furniture store, and when he is home, prefers doing all his dad duties from his favorite chair, preferably in underwear and watching the Philadelphia Eagles.  Then the three siblings an older know it all sister trying to be super cool but always saving the middle brother who steals most scenes he is in because he is always going at 110%.  Finally, there is the youngest, who plans on being a director and thus most of the time is working with a camera.  It is his film clips that are used to show the real life scenes that produce the ideas for the show.  I can't say enough, I think I like this show more than even Big Bang Theory which has been my favorite for awhile.
    Anyways, in tonight's episode, the younger boy in about 7th grade comes up with the perfect plan, they are going to buy tickets to watch Annie and instead sneak in to watch Porky's, which in the 80's was a must see for any teenage boy.  They do a voice over explaining how the multiplex came into existence in the 80's, so sneaking in was a possibility because people could be in there all day, if they wanted.  His mom, who overhears everything butts in and tells him you will not, under any circumstances, go and watch that movie.  In the next scene, he is standing with a couple friends and they are debating going in and hoping to not get caught.  In the end, they show him in the theater with all the younger kids watching Annie, and not boobs.
    The next day even the dad, who rarely gets involved is depressed his son is not becoming a man, choosing to do exactly as his mama tells him to do.  It is a rite of passage, we must accept that at some point boys need to be horny boys.  My dad always had his collection of nudie mags, nothing obscene, just normal naked girls, I thought it right then to have a collection of nudie mags Boy could access, not knowing the internet was backing up right to our doorsteps and fixing to deliver ANYTHING your perverted eyes wanted or didn't want to see in the late 90s.  I don't even buy magazines anymore, I don't rent dirty movies anymore, it is all online.  If you misspell a word while searching for something, you might end up on a porn site, it is so widespread.
    This blog was all over the place, but the mom is in a hard spot when boys start getting weird.  They need to do stupid things to prove themselves to the other stupid boys, not much different than monkeys, whether it's jumping off the roof of the house, or driving recklessly, racing friends on the road, daring each other to do things or eat things.  Most of it comes from too much testosterone.  Mama just has to hope that she taught her little knucklehead enough so he doesn't hurt himself permanently.  Eventually, a man's testosterone comes down, in his mid 40's, I barely grope my female friends anymore, I notice I am just losing that edge I used to have.

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