I think I have a pretty good eye for people. Like a watermelon, let me thump you once or twice and I can tell if you're worth the socks you're wearing. There was an instance when we hired a guy, I had worked with him, I told the boss, as far as work, yes, he is hungry and he'll be able to do the work, but I wouldn't hire him because he is not right in the head. Sure enough, he started out OK, but within a few months he was stirring the pot all sorts of bad ways, he was removed at the first possible chance, luckily we have layoffs every couple years, I think for this reason.
There was another guy, our boss just loved him, I studied him for a bit and figured he was full of shit. He actually moved to another city and convinced the powers that be that he could still help the group. This was at times when layoffs were happening every couple years and this guy who didn't show up managed to keep getting paid while not showing up for work. I was an absolute machine when I started with the group, there was literally a backlog of years of work, and once I was trained I came in and worked non-stop to help us catch up to be like today, where the work that we have is only a couple days old. This waste of space did one sample for every 200 I did and he was "special"? No, he was a con artist. At one point in a meeting, I asked out loud why are we keeping so and so? And I was told "you don't understand, he is a genius" I held my stance and asked back so how long do you wait for genius to pay off? You've given him two years and he has produced nothing. He ran out of town after his wife, sorry, but good riddance.
All this as backdrop that I can tell when people want to work and when people don't. My attorney brother, love him, but back in the day, there were a couple of situations where we both were doing manual labor and every time, he failed to look good. Whether in the fields where he would throw his hoe like a javelin and pick up thirty yards downfield or he would just cha-cha-cha and dance his way up to tell me a joke, ignoring his work. Later when I worked in the warehouse, I got him a summer job, wasn't long before he was put to sort through trash, and eventually not invited to come back. Now he is a rock star, makes a great living, but does it all with his talking, he always had a fast tongue. I never worried about him because he had plans in which he would not rely on the ability to do hard work.
So I have a friend who is seeing this guy. I have already figured he is kind of a dud. No interest in college, fine, but I always say then you better like to do manual labor, because that is what will be available for you. He got fired from one place because he couldn't keep track of his schedule, which she defended, saying they would change schedules at the last minute all the time. If everybody else knows this, keep up. He got another job after a couple weeks, but it is only part time and in retail. A man is not going to earn enough in a department store, he needs to take himself outside. Another great skill is his lack of a driver's license. He must be driven everywhere or picked up. Maybe the guy is cute, but you really want to date a guy who you have to drive everywhere? In your 20s, this shouldn't be an issue, Oh well, people learn at different speeds, she'll figure it out... or not.
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