We had been hesitant to spend any money. Of course, our plan is still there, to pay down debt as much as possible. But it hasn't felt fair all summer. Mr. Slick, Boy, asked for a watch when the summer started, me being a doormat said sure, when we sell the house. Well, by the time we got to Florida, the house had an offer, so I let him talk me into a nice Oakley watch. Most of you would yell at me, if I put how much, so I won't. He kind of managed to sneak under the radar because that got mixed in with the expenditures during Florida, when we gt the money from the sale of the house, I just paid it off. All that is great, but Chubs didn't get a special gift up there or anything. I bought him a G-Shock Watch, but that was only $100. Nowhere near what big bro got. Not to mention Wife and myself didn't get anything fancy/nice for us.
Since we have been moving Chubs into the bigger room, it occurs to me, the furniture he is getting was not bought with him in mind. It was just a nice set for the guest room, why does my Chubs no get anything new? Today, I went and got him a nice desk, which he has been wanting, last night I had found him a faux leather executive chair, and we even got him a lamp for his desk. I figured whaaat lse could make it more complete, a new laptop, of course. The only problem is we bought one of those cheap Google Chrome laptops and it doesn't do hard core gaming. He said he only wanted it for Minecraft, and the guy at the store even found it and showed us, those laptops work like our phones, you use apps, not programs. Well, apparently it wouldn't play or something. I told him to chill and enjoy the fact he can get on YouTube, and Netflix. I'm sure there are other games he can play. While we were at Rooms To Go, we also bought a kind of sofa that the back falls flat and becomes an almost full size bed, if he ever has friends sleep over. It'll fit perfect in front of his bed, so he can sit and play his games.
We also went to Lowe's, in our quest to do everything we did to the rental house, Wife opened an account there, I accidentally paid $120 to my account, which I hadn't even used in years. When we got the house money, I paid off Wife's account, today we went and asked for my account, it was weird in that the kid helping me, was one of Boy's friends from Junior High in Del Valle. When we finished, Chubs asked, "did you know him?" I told him, we have a picture where he is holding you above his head in the pool, I think you're wearing a diaper? Wife adds, "no way he could do that today", kid is quite skinny, though very tall.
We got our store credit of $124, on the account, but then I charged $440. Oh well, we needed some things. The jumbo container of Chlorine pucks was almost $90. Add $28 for box of shock, $29 for algaecide, and $12 for water clarifier. Wife wanted a new vacuum for downstairs $150, and assorted crap here and there.
I also almost got a new used truck. My brother got one this past week, and I really want one and even Wife wants me to do it, but I am afraid it will hurt our chances at refinancing the house. I gotta really think about it. This one I saw is loaded, only 33,000 miles, a 2014, even has DVD players in the front headrests. Best of all, it is an F-250, but with a gas engine, not Diesel. I don't know, Wife wants me to go tomorrow to look at it. I am afraid I am weak, if I go, I will come home with it.
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