Chubs is now moved to his new room. It was previously my personal room at least where I watched TV on rare nights when I didn't work and before it was the room my brother lived in. It didn't seem like much, but in moving, we must accept Chubs is no longer a baby/kid. He is now in his pre-teen years, and the fact that he just gave up playing with most of his toys, kind of shows it. We did move some toys over, but recently it had only been Legos he even played with. His other room has posters of Batman and Spider-Man and for now, those things are still cool. If he stays as dorky as Boy, Spider-Man should be cool through high school.
Boy has dual residences and we hear from his roommates he is very aware and thoughtful to his roommates. This is great, but he still has plates in his room from a couple weeks ago, and glasses are an almost daily thing going up there. So to the outside world, he has his apartment, in where he is a mature, caring individual, while for his family he treats his room like a diaper, everything is in there mixed good.
I have taken over Chub's old room and I get the possible thinking in him wanting to move. The walls are bright yellow, think SpongeBob yellow. Maybe the wall color is just not right for a newly brooding youngster. He spends more and more time with earphones listening to stuff on his phone and now laptop. This I know to be behavior of the teenage persuasion. My job now is to get rid of that yellow color, although Wife thinks the color is cute. I am not sure if she is trying to save me from the hassle of painting or if she really likes the color.
I haven't really thought about it much, but I pretty much stripped the guest room downstairs of its furniture to make a room for Chubs. Do I just leave that king bed on the floor? Do I dignify the bed in there with at least a frame to get the bed off the floor? If it was up to me, I would go get another bedroom set, but Wife says no. We must keep our expenses under control.
I am very curious with Chubs, now that he has a grown up room, will he finally start bringing friends over to the house? He has yet to make those connections that seemed second nature to boy by fifth grade. Boy would just bring whoever, sometimes, showing up with girls even when he was in high school.
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