Why do people feel it is their business to step in? We were having a good day today, moved now most of the furniture into Chubs' new room, even hung up his new art with Spider Man and Hulk. Wife spent the day not wanting to, but gradually organizing our bookshelves which through the course of the past year has grown by maybe another bookshelf. We have books all over the house, but the bookshelves themselves look good, for now. She also took out her Barbie collection and put them back on the other bookshelves. I have mixed feelings about them, like in Toy Story 2, all these Barbies never got played with they are all still in their boxes. Are they growing old and ornery like that old miner guy? Am I too easily suaded by Pixar movies?
After we worked for most of the day, I offered Wife to go find that place that sells fruit cups and raspas (snow cones). I say most of the day, but we got up about 1:00pm, did the dirty, then showered, ate some leftovers, worked moving stuff for maybe three hours, so most of the day is relative. I wanted to like the place but I dn't think it's for us. The snow cones were watered down, I couldn't get that lime stuff feeling, the menu on the wall said a 16oz shake with banana and strawberry was $5.99, come on, this is the kind of place mexicans were walking in barefoot, cut it out.
We then went to Bed, Bath, and Beyond looking for a net contraption to hang on the corner of the room, Ale has a bunch of Build A Bears and we are not donating/throwing them away. They did not have what we are looking for, but they had more "art", where they take random comic book covers and remake them on wood or cloth, I don't know what to call it, but art. Anyways, got him another one with Batman.
We were going to Best Buy which I know they advertise open til 10pm, but apparently closed at nine. We were caught off guard, because we went into Office Depot to look at their furniture. We liked a desk, but after all the time spent looking, we ran out of time when they told us it was discontinued, we walked out with a very good desk chair, so we are getting closer to what Chub wants.
This was followed by Friday's for dinner, and where Chubs' feelings were hurt. They had an offer of endless appetizers and Ale said he was going for it. They had 8 different flavors, some hot, some sweet. I thought this would be fun, and we started with PB&J, and sure enough, they tasted like peanut butter, but with the chicken, it reminded all of us of "mole". We all were eating the pieces of chicken as they brought them out, it's not like Chubs was eating all the chicken by himself. We then went a little spicy with srirache buffalo, spicy but not really hot, by the time we got the third one, our meals came, but it was fine, he had gotten the garlic something, not too bad. We were up to the sixth one and we had finished our meals, I was just curious of the taste of the last few ones, we were saving the Ghost Pepper for last, but then my own jerk, Boy, tells him, "stop, that's why you're fat...." Why?!?! This sent Chubs intoo a tailspin, he pushed the plate away and then cried on and off until we left and got home.
Freaking ass has not been with us all day, he was out with his friends, he didn't lift a finger helping to rearrange any of the rooms, doesn't bother joking with us, and only showed up because we were going to Best Buy and he "needed something." Since they were closed, he graced us with his presence for dinner. I don't know why he is skinny, being that both Wife and I are fat. He certainly doesn't do any portion control, he fills up faster because he is genetically built that way. It's not that he has superior self control. He was only bothered because we were technically done with our meals and I'm sure he needed to get back to his computer and to his friends.
Boy left in his Jeep, in the car we told Chubs this is actually good practice, kids are getting older and they might tell you things at school, you gotta be ready with comebacks. I told him some funny ones like tell them to eat your farts or eat your poop, and some nasty ones I won't repeat, but skinny fucks who think they know shit have always pissed me off. yes, of course, if we didnt eat, we'd be skinny like you. Then this would be a perfect world, ignorant twat. Chubs felt a little better by the time we got home, even Mama told him he would feel better if he went and threw the finger at big bro, he did, we all had a laugh, because Chubs is a good guy who never does that.
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