Monday, October 8, 2018

10/8/18 Not Sure If It Was A Lazy Weekend?

    I want to say we didn't do much this weekend, but in actuality, I got a few long overdue chores tackled.  Friday night was mostly a dud, we had planned on going to see Javalina play with the Akins High School band, it is their way of introducing the eighth graders to their future lives of supporting the football team by playing in the stands and then watching the high school students do their field marching show.  We didn't end up going because our boy was complaining of soreness on his shoulders and really all over.  I felt a little bad in that they played Wednesday and didn't get Thursday or Friday afternoon off.  The coaches told them they would be off on Monday because of the in-service.  Instead of going to the game, we were at the house but we cleaned up as best we could before Wife arrived from her 3 hour drive.  We ended the night by eating at Cheddar's together, even Boy joined us.  He usually gets together with his friends but because Mama told him he was going to the game to support his little brother, his pals found better things to do.  I guess those peeps don't appreciate football, even if it is their alma mater.
    Saturday, I got up at 7:00am, as I usually do and started to write the day's blog but I remembered Wife had said her oil was due for a change the week before.  I drank half a coffee cup while I looked at a couple videos to see if their was a simple fix to a leaking water diverter in the shower, which was the problem in the second bathroom upstairs and there was a weak shower stream coming from the shower downstairs, which to me meant like our shower last year, we needed to change the faucet mixer thing.  I headed to Jiffy Lube, took care of the oil change, then to Lowe's and bought the parts I thought I would need.  I made the same mistake as last year, I bought the generic equivalent Delta part and it would not seat in like it should.  I got home just in time to watch the start of the Longhorns game and the game was totally worth watching, during commercials I ran upstairs and removed the decorative bib which houses the water diverter and re-installed the new one.  It was a perfect replacement and the water pressure came back to normal on the shower side.  I waited until after the game, but then I turned off the water supply and had Javalina help me.  Boy seemed to be too busy with his girlfriend to become involved which only bothered the young one who would rather be part of the "Use-less" team, as I call them together because they do very little around the house to help us.  It took a second trip to Lowe's (it always does), but then the problem downstairs was also fixed.  Javalina hates work so much, that in the middle of this even when I have a handle on the problem is asking why I don't call a plumber?  "Because I'm not paying some a-hole $200-300 for something I can do."
    After this, I decided I had earned me a nap, so I slept until around 7:00, maybe two hours.  We went to the Halloween store and bought a couple more spooky things, now that I noticed we have a few creepy babies, I want the whole collection, and I found a great one with blue overtones and white eyes, even Javalina was uncomfortable staring at it.  We finished the night by eating at Friday's, not the best, but it is open late.
    Sunday was just a weird morning.  I went to bed probably by 11:00pm, then I woke at 2:00am, I had fallen asleep on one of our big chairs in our bedroom, Boy still had his dungeons and dragons friends when I opened the door to see if the alarm was on.  I came down feeling alert enough to write, figuring I write the blog then I can sleep through the morning.  I finished writing fairly quick, about the game, and got lost watching YouTube videos.  I hate to say it, but I love watching cops shoot idiots.  When the cops say do something, do it, how people decide arguing is a good strategy is beyond my scope of reasoning.  Before I knew it, it was 7:30am, so I decided to go lay down for awhile longer.  Wife got up, she's had the sniffles which of course becomes time to see a professional, which is fine, but I am not going to get up to join.  Since that wasn't going to happen until 11:00am, I knew I could sleep until at least noon.  That worked out great, I got up just as she arrived, I had just sat my big as down to drink some coffee and see what breakfast would be.  She made magic out of a can of Spam, a couple potatoes, and like three eggs, luckily Boy's GF had made them something to eat, because Wife's concoction was barely enough for us.
    We then saw some of our weekly shows, I decided a nap was in order around 2:30pm which lasted until 6:00pm.  I got up when I noticed a missed call and a text from Dirty Dog, he had stopped by with his GF.  She made us a cobbler and they wanted to say hi.  They were here for a couple hours, I got him to take more of his stuff, but still not everything, and before we knew it, it was Wife's bedtime and here I sit writing this at 5:00-6:00am, having walked her out so she can start another work week.

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