Saturday, October 20, 2018

10/21/18 Should We Move?

    I've got that urge to look at houses again.  I don't know if it is because I am bored or because I feel a need to change things.  As it stands, I don't think I have moved around too much.  I came up to Austin in 1991 and lived with a roommate for a year in one complex in a 2 bedroom unit.  The second year, we added two new roommates and we were able to find a 4 bedroom unit down the street from where we originally lived.  After that 2nd year, I needed a third year, my original roommate needed a semester and so we moved back to a 1 bedroom in the original complex and he lived in the living room, sleeping on my homemade futon.  I would have been left alone at this point, but my penis ensured I would never be alone by creating life and making me an instant family man.  We did stay at that apartment same apartment complex for another year and a half, until we moved into our 1st house in Jan 1, 1996.  I had started working at AMD on Nov. 25, 1995, right after Thanksgiving and I was close enough that I biked once or twice to work as I used to bike almost daily back then.
    Our first house was less than a song from work, so maybe I lived about three miles away, but that worked pretty good and I did like that house and the neighborhood quite a bit.  The only problem was that I thought the house was too small, mostly for my ego.  I wanted what most at work seemed to have, large houses out in the suburbs, not that I wanted to drive a ways to get to work as I like going home for lunch, still do, most every night.  We lived in our first home from Jan1, 1996 until May 2007.  I guess we were there for eleven years, it was especially hard for Boy to move going to ninth grade, all his friends were over in Del Valle High School and we moved him to Akins High School.
    It would be pretty weird if we moved sometime I the next year, where it would be Javalina moving as he is going to his ninth grade year, but at this point, we have been in this house from May 2007 to Oct 2018, which also seems to be about eleven years.  I like the size of our current house, but Boy won't be with us forever, he seems to have his GF sleeping over every Friday, and we said it was ok but she has to sleep in the guest room (who knows how much they respect this, but BS I'll be blamed if they get knocked up).  Plus, I expected we would have family visiting more and they really don't plus my mom keeps saying they are getting older and it gets harder and harder for them to travel, my sister is always working, my lawyer brother doesn't visit because the Astros live in Houston and they are good right now.  My in-laws visit even less than my folks, I think Thanksgiving was the only time they really came over but Wife is trying to change that.
    I was kind of thinking if we move and ended up in the Lake Travis area, Javalina could end up playing for a great football program, I mean those guys are in the state playoffs like every year, and plenty of those kids end up playing in college.  As it stands, he wants to continue with the Einstein program, which is an enrichment program where he takes college classes and does other extra things, but it means he is headed to Crockett High School, which is a kind of ghetto-y school overall.  These fucking geniuses who decide to put things like "Einstein programs" in the shitty schools should be lined up and kicked in the scrotums.  Maybe it is all subliminal messages for those of us that can to get our asses in gear and move farther west.  Yet another reason to move.

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