Friday, January 26, 2018

1/26/18 Wife's Conference?

    I hardly talked to Wife last night, which is rare, we usually talk when she is on her way to one place or another.  She was in a conference and me just asking if she was having fun got me dragged into her world as she gave me a horrible recap of stuff happening every day that I don't want to hear about.  The conference she was at was dealing with emergency situations at school campuses, which now has to include not just storms and tornadoes, but assholes with guns who are unhappy because their mommas didn't love them enough.
    There was a specific group led by a man who lost her daughter in one of these gun situations at a school in Colorado, right after Columbine leading the training, and he described his ordeal of losing a child this way.  He formed a group that has so far trained hundreds of schools and they go around providing information to anyone interested.  Wife of course eats this up with a big spoon and she wants me to get into it, so she is describing it in detail until she knows I am crying over here.  It is sad, to think of your own child in a campus with idiots out to do harm and prepared to die.  I always wish they test the first bullets on their heads, kids are innocent and are easy targets in a school because they herd like animals.  I had to tell Wife to stop, how many stories of kids sending gying messages to their parents do you think I want to hear?
    About the only thing that makes sense is to arm a select group of the facuty, those capable/comfortable yielding a firearm, but then you run the chance of Johnny Idiot getting his hands on one of these guns on campus and accidentally shooting a fellow student.  Given that there have been over 200 school shootings since the Sandy Hook Massacre, things need to change, otherwise gunmen will keep thinking schools are a good place to leave their mark.  If I knew there might be resistance waiting for me, I might have second thoughts about heading to a school to kill.  Right now, they know they have the upper hand, cops show up after a few minutes after they are notified.  They don't rush into a school, rather they hope that talking it out can resolve the issue.
    The next best thing a school can do is defense, and that starts with heavy doors that lock instantly when needed and a place in each classroom that is shielded from view through all windows.  Once gunmen are in the campus, all kids and faculty can do is stay out of their way, so that means hiding in their rooms until the trouble is defused.
    I then asked Wife, does this mean your school is going to look into doors that lock and are bullet proof, because if you're not then this is a downer.  I wanted Wife to get certified to carry since she is alone a lot of the time.  Maybe this conference will be the nudge to get her to decide to carry some hot lead in her purse.

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