Wednesday, December 27, 2017

12/28/17 Be A Man?

    I have come to the conclusion that for all the shit women talk about wanting equal rights, they know a good tug on the leash and a nice mess for them to clean once in a while is good for them.  I have had now a few friends that I wholly respect as good guys and great people who fail around their women in my opinion by being too much of everything.  They all seem to have the same MO, I like to clean the house so she can rest and take it easy.  I do all the cooking so she can take some time to herself.  Being on shift means I have a whole Friday or Monday where I can focus on cleaning the house to make her life easier.  Everyone of these sentences makes me want to choke up my dinner and vomit on these guys' floors.
    Why does an "equal" who barely work need any extra help with her job?  You bring home the bacon, that other mofo in the relationship better know how to cut, cook it, and serve it in some homemade tortillas that she made while you were slaving away at work.  My buddies constantly made excuses for their significant others lazy asses, and it always pissed me off.  All those relationships pretty much ended the same way, the gals found other partners where their asses got to do their fair share of the housework.
    I love Wife, but I would never do everything, even now that she is not living here during the week.  She bitches and she moans about coming home and cleaning but those little shitbags are at least fifty percent her creations, why should I do all the cleaning?  I have routines I kind of like doing, washing clothes, ironing, keeping the kitchen clean, cutting the grass, changing the sheets on our beds are some of them.  I hate running the vacuum (it's loud), sweeping (doesn't seem to accomplish anything), or fixing the beds (we're just going to undo them in a few hours).  Wife sometimes comes in from her three hour drive on Friday evenings with a head of steam, like she's been drinking Redbulls and smoking cigarettes (she does not smoke but has that nervous energy).  Why haven't you done this and why is this dirty?  I will let her bounce off the walls until she settles down, I figure it's her way of being the woman of the house and pissing on every corner so she knows she rules around here.
    I do not apologize for not doing a better job, and I usually get into it with her that I do work a full schedule too.  She can yell at her little shits if she wants to, and sometimes she does, but not too often.  I don't know, but I guess if you are going to be a team, both members have to be equally involved.  There is no reason for one participant to try and do all the shitty chores to make the other person's life easier.  It is a nice gesture, but it sets you up as a second class citizen, and that isn't right.  I have now seen it on yet more examples of good men I know.  If anything positive can be said for my friends it's that they don't last single long, women know a good man and they will snag them up quickly.  I do like, as an afterthought, that the women never seem to end up better than they were, and most usually seem to just screw themselves up for no gain.

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