Friday, December 1, 2017

12/1/17 Respecting Police Officers Goes A Long Way?

    I am trying to give Netflix a rest and sticking with You Tube this week.  I stumbled into the cop videos section and man, on the one hand, I can't get enough, on the other, how stupid are stupid people?  Dammit, stupid people do not disappoint.  There is this one video where two officers show up at a house, the lady is outside, one of them is being polite, asks her if so and so is home.  She plays vague and dumb, "Oh, I don't know, I haven't seen him in a while."  While this is going on, a dog starts barking like he is being taunted and revved up inside the house.  The officer tells her he has a few warrants he is wanted for.  At this, she seems to have gotten the note, eyes open wide she says "excuse me for a minute."  I assume she is going to go get the troublemaker, but no.  She opens the door, the dog shoots like from a cannon and makes it almost to the back up officer standing in the street in like two seconds.  One of them is quick enough to pull his gun and shoot the fucking thing, it doesn't kill him but makes him think about his actions.  The lady is screaming "YOU SHOT MY DOG!!!" over and over.  What did she expect, the dog would just scare the cops away, problem for her solved?  Cops have a way of always winning, obviously, you raised a shitty son in trouble with the law, who is surprised the dog is also a piece of shit?
    People cry a lot about police brutality, but what is a cop supposed to do?  They exist to make sure citizens are behaving and not getting too crazy.  My belief is that once you choose to get in a high speed chase, you have forfeited your life.  Maybe there is a 10% chance you escape, but there has to be an 80% chance you are going to hurt somebody.  These animals don't care if regular people are hurt or not.  I don't understand why officers are not more aggressive with these thugs?  I would rather a police car get damaged than a random citizen get crashed into.
    It seems that you can tell when someone needs to get shot.  They are combative, they refuse to comply, they seem to be having trouble listening to basic commands about hands out in the open.  This is the big one, if the hands don't come out, they are either really stupid or they are debating in their head whether to retaliate or be a wuss and no thug I ever met wants to be considered a wuss.
    How about when officers actually make a mistake and try to apprehend the wrong guy?  Saw a video, car gets home, two black dudes in the car, officers ask to talk to the one with short hair, he says with a little attitude "what did I do?"  You are innocent, just answer the questions, get your ID out and don't be sassy.  No, this kid has to do things the hard way.  He retreats back into the car, his hands start fishing for stuff.  I know it would be wrong for the cops to shoot you, but come on, act like a fucking human.  Once three cops subdue the kid, they pull out his license and realize he is not Mike, he is indeed Patrick.  He did say Patrick in the first few seconds, true but he didn't say it like it was his birth given name, he said it with a question mark.  I would have assumed he was trying to be sneaky.  Once he cooled down, with his mom in the car, having just arrived, he admits he kind of looks like the kid in the picture.
    Personally, I haven't been stopped for anything by the cops since 1993 maybe, but I rolled my window down, looked at the officer in the face, apologized for swerving, this was back when I-35 was being expanded from 2 to 3 lanes outside of San Antonio.  I didn't open a little gap and start with the smart ass shit and cussing.  Wow, I cuss all the time, but I would not cuss at an officer, that just seems idiotic.  Oh yeah, at my house, a couple years ago, whiners like to complain about the sidewalk being blocked by cars, I did not know this was illegal, I happen to go outside and there is an officer writing a ticket to my truck.  I asked him what did I do, Officer?  He says they got a complaint about my car blocking the sidewalk, he was going down the street ticketing anybody doing this.  I apologized, told him this was the first time I had ever heard this was something I could get a ticket for.  I then asked him for suggestions, he put his guard down told me it was better to park in the street, even if it isn't your house.  I was telling him my neighbors don't like my cars parked in front of their houses, he said "they don't own the street, too bad for them."  I am sure he hated having to go house to house doing this for some stupid stay at home mom who walks her baby making ass twice a day to keep her piece of shit husband interested.  Because I was polite to the cop, he tore the ticket up and said he would just give me a warning.  But if you go by YouTube, you may think every interaction with the cops ends with the citizen on the ground with 5-10 cops on top him, but no, that is just the stupid people of which I fully believe there are now more of them than there are smart people.

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