Friday, August 25, 2017

8/25/17 Trump Knows Division?

    I don't know about The Art Of The Deal, but our president is really good at division.  It seems that every time he opens his mouth, he pisses off someone else.  Is that good or healthy for the country?  The few people he still counts as supporters still say it is because he is an outsider and he is shaking the Establishment to its core.  I still think he is an idiot who might have a little dementia.
    Anyway, I was doing a little of some old work because that group now seems to have a lot of work and chemistry has been woefully slow.  I heard ole Monster Energy Drink and his associate discussing Trump sarcastically like is he racist?  But laughing, like they were making fun of some liberals.  Even though it was time for me to leave and I knew getting into it would mean I'd be running late, I couldn't help myself but say "of course, the mother fucker is racist!"  He's a peace of shit who could have made everything go away by doing the right thing and condemning the stupid neo-nazis, fascists, whatever the white on the right want to call themselves.
    This had the same effect as fucking with a beehive, except it was one queen bee coming at me in the form of Monster Energy Drink. He said I was out of my mind that Trump is racist, both sides had as much to do with the tragedy that happened that day.  I said really?  If that idiot hadn't run over anybody, would we have given a shit about what happened that day?  Nobody cares about what happens until someone dies.  To no ones surprise he had a comeback, the guy was a schizophrenic, not a Nazi.  Really, "you the reader tell me what is the difference between a schizophrenic and a Nazi?"  Usually, I entertain myself by poking his buttons, but I was already running late, so I kept it short.  I said you are actually running after me to defend the Nazi position, awesome for you.  He said they had a permit and they had a right to peaceably assemble.  What he is missing there that this hate party does not PEACEABLY do anything.  They are assholes who celebrate getting shit started.  Really, the other side is stupid for biting on the bait, but these angry white a-holes shouldn't be allowed to yammer on spreading their hate.
    He kept on, something about the south has rights and the people were expressing their beliefs.  I always hate this because the south lost.  Why do they still get or deserve a vote or even a minute to be heard?  History is written by the victors in a war.  But again "I tried common sense and asked him, "so if the south had won, would we still have slavery?"  He laughed at me like he owned the book of facts on everything and I am a simple brown man who doesn't read very well.  The last time we discussed this, he pulled out of his sleeve ye olde banter of "the civil war was never about slavery, it was about states' rights."  Great, except the only right they wanted was to keep owning slaves for the cotton crops, which was our chief export and a great moneymaker, specially for the southern states.
    He yelled at me THE FEDERALIST PAPERS, oh you don't know the federalist papers, well, we can't discuss anything because this country was founded on the federalist papers.  This is what was used by the north to convince the south to join and form the United States.  I don't recall reading these, I looked them up because I hate people implying I don't know shit.  It seemed to me that they were a series of 85 newspaper articles put out over a few years by chiefly three people Alexander Hamilton, John Jay and James Madison.  All they seem to do is bring to light the proposal of ratification of the United States.  The biggest thing about the Federalist Papers is they deny we needed a Bill of Rights because they implied if the Constitution did not mention a right, it meant you had it.  Others did not feel the same way and thought it needed to be written in paper what rights we were to have under a new government.
    This all took 10-15 minutes in the morning, and once I left I didn't think much of it, my buddy is a little nuts, but I don't really think he is racist, but really, why expend that much energy to say the Nazis have the same rights as others?  Surprisingly, he came and looked for me to apologize saying that after I left he thought I was nuts in my position, but then reflected that he was the one yelling and forcing his beliefs on me, as I kept telling him and he accepted he was wrong.  It almost brought a tear to my eye, my lil Monster Energy Drink, bred of piss and vinegar is perhaps becoming human in his golden age?  I told him it was fine, that is why I love arguing with you, you tend to be interesting, I won't say right, but I will say interesting.

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