Saturday, May 7, 2016

5/7/16 My Fitness Pal Is Working?

    A month ago I was basically waiting for a heart attack.  I could not get out of my downward spiral.  I was eating way too much everyday, thinking this and that hurts, so I can't walk.  Since Wife told me about the ap she was using for a couple weeks, my life feels transformed.  At the start of April, I was standing at around 409 pounds.  In a little over a month, I have lost 29 pounds, now down to 380.
    I was telling myself food that I eat before Wife comes downstairs on the weekends does not count.  That is fine if it is a coffee but I'd down a burger from the night before and a couple bowls of cereal along with some candies and then ask "what's for breakfast, Woman?"  She finally caught on when she kept seeing dirty plates of food.  This ap, if I am being honest, lets me eat anything, I just have to note it, and its calories.  We have not adopted some fancy new meal plan or diet pills.  We are simply counting calories.  The ap recognizes most restaurants, so if I have the #40 combination nachos at our neighborhood Mexican place, it is 740 calories.  We are consuming diet soda by the gallon since it says 0 calories, we may pay for that later, but that day is not this day.
    For my weight, I could eat 2400 calories a day at the start, as I have lost weight, it recalculates and allows less calories per day.  Plus, burning calories adds more calories to burn per day.  Of course, the more calories you don't use, the quicker the weight comes off.  I am generally leaving 500-1000 calories that I don't use.
    About the only exercise I can fit during the workweek, is walking.  We have long hallways that go in a circle.  Six laps equal a mile, so I have built up to walking more and more.  When I started I was getting winded doing 2-4 laps nonstop.  I am up to 5 miles a night for a total of 20 miles this week.  I wanted to come home and walk around the neighborhood, it is almost a mile, but of course, I always have chores to keep the house in order.  I am planning to go up to six miles next week.  At some point, I will have to convert to jogging just to get it done faster.  I just want to make sure I am not the weakest link when we get to the Disney parks this summer.
    Just losing the weight so far, I can tell I'm not breathing heavy anymore, I am sleeping better too.  I was getting up every 2 hours to pee, maybe the weight was pushing on my bladder, the past week I have been going almost all morning without waking.  That is such a relief, plus I am not fighting acid reflux or feeling nauseous all the time.  I feel brand new right now.  Some people go down a dangerous path with pills for this and that, when just putting the food away can solve a myriad of health concerns.  I am glad my body has held on this long.  I would not be surprised if I was told I had diabetes, or that I had had a small heart attack.  Hopefully, I can turn it around and keep it turned around.  It seems easy enough now, with the right tool.

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