Wednesday, May 11, 2016

5/11/16 Is Deadpool That Bad?

    We are in the era of the super hero.  Seems every other movie has a super hero showing off some new badass power.  There's so many heroes, they are starting to recycle the few pretty male actor faces.  Ryan Reynolds was the Green Lantern, now he is Deadpool.    Chris Evans, who plays Captain America, also played the Human Torch with the Fantastc Four.  Anyways, my question today is there was a lot of fuss made about this movie and its R rating.  Ryan Reynolds, as Deadpool, did most of the voice-over commercials, which, even in the movie he breaks down the fourth wall and talks to the audience directly, seems cool when he does it, watch it get overdone in the coming year.  He was constantly calling out parents to not let children see the movie when it was in theaters.  Boy works at Alamo Drafthouse and when it came out, outright refused to get a ticket for Chubs, out of fear of getting in trouble with his supervisors.  The whole theater chain was taking a stand and at least putting up flags to parents who tried taking kids to it.
    Fast forward a couple weeks and the movie is now on Blue-Ray which means we bought it, it was a great and funny movie.  Chubs is dying to see it.  He has heard us going on and on about it, he wants to be involved in the conversation.  The really bad parts, aside from the violence is in one scene Deadpool gets shot right square in the butthole, which tears his costume and kind of shows stuff down there.  The really bad one is his "love montage" with his newfound love which proceeds with the changing of the calendar, they are doing kinkier and kinkier stuff as they fall deeper in love, culminating in the scene where she is wearing a big ole strap-on, and our hero is bent over, ready to take it in the out hole. 
    I know an 11 year old should not be seeing stuff like that, but, he has been playing video games which promote killing each other in the most creative ways since he was like 6.  He's been talking since probably second grade about accomplishing a head kill on Halo as a big accomplishment.  I have asked this before, why is America ok with children watching the dismemberment and killing of people which can be a horrible violent act, but then we get squeamish when a boob or god forbid genitals come out on screen?  Over the years, some of our denser friends have talked about having movie nights with their kids to watch stupid shit like the Saw movies.  To me, CPS should get involved, but they are more likely to get involved if they find out a kid was watching 50 Shades of Grey, than I Know What You Did Last Summer.
    Sorry to you infallible parents, but Chubs will sit next to me, and I will cover his eyes so he doesn't see the butt sex.  The other scene where he gets shot there, well that's just funny stuff.  If you are confused, his power is that he heals quickly, he can't die.  It really was a funny entertaining movie, it did not need the butt stuff, it was already funny enough.

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