Sunday, June 28, 2015

6/28/15 We Leave The Final Park, Heads Held High?

    We trained hard, starting from youth, every physical endeavor has helped prepare us for this day.  We, the warriors straight from the land of Texas, here to explore and claim what is ours or what our souvenir money will allow.  We started at the beginning of the week not knowing what to expect from one another, sometimes it seemed that my cough might slay me before I even made it to the fighting fields.  I thought I had overtrained to too big a size, instead of battling, my enemy would just let the elements best me.  But nay.
    Once the sunset came, I knew we had won our battle, even if ultimately, we would suffer my mother-in-law in a wheelchair.  The little old lady gave it all she could but alas on our way back to our chariots, after the marvel of fireworks blasting in the skies and not one but two parades, her knees, like a boxer tasting defeat screamed "no mas" and we were lucky to find an old wheelchair to wheel her home.  She still high fived the group of daughters sorrounding her as earlier in the day, she was thinking of skipping the park altogether.
    Funny, once a person knows they are made of tougher stuff, they begin to believe in themselves.  At the start of the week, I was suggesting we rent battery powered scoters for the old fogeys.  They said no, they would just rest as necessary.  They hung in there and maybe I shook them as I tried commanding from above to keep moving.  In our first endeavor, they circled the wagons and turned on me, their new captain and commander.  They gave me the look of disapproval and a bit of a cold shoulder.
    No worries, a good field leader can adjust, and before too long I was employing different strategies to motivate this sad sack of would be's and half forgottens into a mish mash of troops that would follow their captain to the ends of the earth.  I was able to show them lands of tomorrow, and adventure, and even a land of fantasy.  I gave hope where there was none, Oh, I was majestic, but still.  What did I get to hear in the end?  Was it a thank you Big Mando, nope, just a plain "stop spending money on shit".

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