The first show is the Terminator show and after all the hoopla in the awaiting staging rooms, it is nothing more than cap guns and smoke. This might have worked in the 1990's but today's crowd needs more creativity.
Then we went to ET which we found to be a cute ride, but really, it's a movie from the 1980's and there was never even a sequel. You sit in a makeshift "bike" set-up and then run around and eventually fly over the city, then you are transported through space into ET's homeland which is a moon like atmosphere.
The Simpsons Ride followed and it based on cartoon characters invented in the 80's. This is the same system used by the Deloreans in Back To The Future. But of all the rides, this must be the best bang for the buck. Chubs loves this ride, at end of the night, he even rode it a second time.
Men In Black followed and that is a very cool ride. It is so hip, they provide lockers for anything loose on you. Once on the ride, it kinda hustles and spins the crap out of you to confuse. The goal is to shoot bad aliens, they are running amuck all over the city.
After Men In Black, we walked into a new Harry Potter section, complete with a diagonal alley that seemed hidden to rest of the park. Chubs and his cousin both bought wands there just cause and we ate an OK meal in a huge feeling "castle."
We then went to Disaster The Movie and the In-Laws enjoyed this show because Wife and younger Sister both ended up as characters on screen.
Twister was next and it should not exist as a ride, nothing but some wind and noise. It really is a letdown. It was a good movie, but not enough to warrant a ride that's going to be around for 20 years.
Finally, we got on a Shrek 4D movie and it was actually good. Although Prince Farqwad is dead, his ghost is back to steal Fiona, and a wild chase is on through the countryside.
All in all, it was a good day to be in the parks. It was hot, but not overbearring, and then it rained hard around 6 o'clock, cooling off everyone.
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