I love summer break, the kids don't have to be on their schedule, which means we can relax a bit. Right now Chubs isn't even in town. Actually, neither of the boys are in town. Boy also headed to San Marcos today. Chubs is at my mom's house for the week, he'll be back this weekend. He likes going down there because his cousins live right next door to my mom, so it is a party all week. I talked to him earlier, said he was chilling inside, but yesterday he played on a slip and slide, and he swam some in my Mom's hot tub. It is good to be a kid.
Boy, meanwhile is goofing around. He is not taking classes during the summer, but he is committed with his apartment, so I guess he figures he needs to go stink up his bed from time to time. In reality, he is supposed to be up there to go see his Jeep since he was in that fender bender last week. The ditzy chick that hit him finally talked to insurance and insurance called my boy saying she was at fault.
Wife is working crazy hours too. She is doing 10 hour days, so she leaves before I get home in morning and gets home after I leave. This is so they get off on Fridays, but she is still being asked to come in on Friday and she'll get paid an hourly rate. This is also supposed to be her last week but she will be covering for a coworker and I believe this means more money, which is good for our Disney trip.
I was finally allowed to sleep without a timer, although I still got up around same time. It is still liberating not having to repeat repeat the same chore. No picking up Chubs, no running to other house today.
I don't know what will ultimately happen, maybe we keep both houses and keep on keeping on, Wife says we're struggling, I don't think we've ever missed a meal. I do see that we have different needs. She wants security, I want to live like a king. I am not worried about tomorrow, I figure a heart attack will take me out one day after I retire. Sounds ugly, but I don't want to sacrifice now so in the future, husband 2.0 can live a life of leisure off my sweat and tears.