Saturday, May 30, 2015

5/31/15 My First Cassette?

    I just found Huey Lewis and The News-Sports, the full album on youtube.  As I remember, this was my first cassette that I went out and intentionally bought.  It is a great album, filled with music from musicians playing guitars and instruments, including some saxophone.  As I listen, I keep getting a vision of my dad at a gas station where he is maybe listening to this patiently as I proclaim it the best music ever.  I even think we were headed to vacation, we would swing through his workplace occasionally and pick him up and head to the coast or San Antonio.  He still only listens to Spanish music from the 70s so he had to have been showing a lot of restraint to let me play my "rock and roll".  I can even say thinking of my dad I smell that gas/oil mix he always kind of smelled like.  Price he paid to work in the oil industry, when you gas up your car, that smell, 24/7.
    Another very influential cassette in my arsenal when I started collecting my own music was AC/DC- Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap.  I was in eighth grade and one of the "trouble maker" kids gave it to me as a Christmas gift.  I was in awe.  The music was dirty, maybe, it took a while to figure out as a naïve eighth grader.  Big Balls will always be one of my favorite tongue in cheek punny songs.
    I never felt a rebellious nature to me, my folks listened to Tejano, which was the normal background noise in the house, but my mom was "hip" in that she appreciated the 50s and 60s music, so anytime we headed towards San Antonio and we had good reception, we would listen to KTSA, an AM station that would play top 40 music.  I didn't really start appreciating Metal until I was out of the house, when I moved to Austin, in 1991.  I dabbled into country as well, when Garth Brooks was huge. 
    I am pretty open now.  I can listen to a lot of music, even rap, as most people will stop there.  I like country, pop, older metal music, but given the choice I always prefer some good spoofs, a la Dr. Demento, Key Of Awesome on youtube, Weird Al Yankovich.  I love when a song is turned on itself and made a little fun of.

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