Thursday, May 14, 2015

5/14/15 Creatures Of Habit?

    I find our behavior to be interesting when looked at from an outside the body experience.  I married a strong, bossy chick who has no problem taking charge and laying down the law.  My Mom is very much like my wife in that regard.  I also notice the similarities between myself and my father in law.  Like my father in law, I too am an introvert.  I do not generally like taking control of the room in a party or large gathering.  Wife knows I will make the big decisions, but only after reflecting on them for a long time. 
    Trusting on these types of relationships, I haven't believed Boy to have met his wife yet.  If he is to marry a ball buster, he needs to date a tougher chick.  Boy has dated a handful of girls, all very pretty and nice, but I haven't seen that take charge attitude.  Even in high school, Wife was a handful, running for office of her class and being drum major in the band.  We all think we are unique and we do what we feel inside, but we are like salmon running upstream when it is time to reproduce.  I believe that our relationship works because we married the right type of person. 
    We grow up with a certain vibe in the house.  Because my dad was always working away from home, my Mom pretty much ran us from morning to night, like cattle.  She'd get us up, to school, we'd gather with her after school to go home, she'd make dinner, feed us, and shower time.  It is like this now.  I may pick up Chubs after school and we eat, but I am only holding formation until Wife shows up.  She feeds him dinner, makes sure he showers and poops (yes, you tell him to go poop and he goes and drops a deuce).  Wife was used to her dad working at the factory back home and my mother in law has said he worked the night shift for about ten years.  Wife is used to the man of the house not being at home at night. 
  It is weird how complementary we are in filling the roles our respective parents filled.  It has been stressful the past month or so with our decision to move, Wife is doing all the stuff she does, I, luckily have been able to make more money to cover the rent on both properties through OT, and once we get past this hiccup and sell, I expect our life to get back to a leisurely pace.  One can dream, at least.

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