Saturday, May 16, 2015

5/16/15 Degree Jumping?

    Boy started up today about maybe changing his degree.  He had settled on Manufactoring Engineer, but is now thinking of switching to Computer Science.  He really thinks he is talking to two street bums when he starts explaining the possibilities of jobs available, if he were to want to stay in the Austin area.
    His words out of his mouth, "I typed in looking for jobs with a Manufactoring Engineer degree and there were two jobs, working in the trash dump and something about a recycling plant."  When he started out looking at degrees to consider I told him just stay with the classics.  You can't go wrong with a chemistry degree or a physics degree.  Those are good anywhere stuff gets made.  AND PEOPLE ARE MOVING BY THE THOUSANDS A WEEK TO AUSTIN BECAUSE OF THE JOB MARKET!!!  This little jackass thinks I've been in a coma and I don't know anything.
    But of course, there is an underlying reason for the sudden change, I think the last calculus class scared him a bit, there was one I remember that was a pain in the ass. 
    I asked him what of computer science, a year ago you said you didn't like programming, that's all those nerds do.  If he liked it, he would already be doing programming and tinkering, I've never seen him doing it.  He says he can do it.  And most of the courses he has taken so far could easily transfer to the new degree plan.  I just want to see him progressing, I don't care if it takes him five or even six years to finish, but I don't want to see a bunch of changing majors because his friends are doing it.
    I've paid attention to the boy.  He was in the robots program, he wanted to assemble the robots, not worry about the way they moved through a maze.  Then he did Rockets for three years, again, he wanted to be in charge of putting them together.  He put in many late nights in high school making sure his parts were made correctly, frequently going to Home Depot to buy fiberglass and epoxy out of my pocket.
    I never noticed him being worried about joining programming groups in high school, there must have been some, his high school was so big.  Maybe he was just blowing steam by messing with us.  I think he'll come to his senses, but then again, programming does pay well, either way, the kid's alright.

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