Saturday, April 6, 2024

4/6/24 New Side Effects Arriving Daily?

     Just when I think I am doing alright, something new reminds me I am ingesting a chemical that is designed to kill inside the body.  Not to be dramatic, but I am not used to feeling this and that.  I have now started feeling cramps pretty much all over my body.  I noticed it last night, while eating dinner.  I had a small bowl of those bland beans Wife made on Sunday, and every time I lifted the bowl up to my mouth, to avoid spilling them on myself or the carpet, my hand would want to cramp up as I was holding the bowl.  I thought it weird and Wife noticed right away I was fidgeting with my hands.  She thought it was the numbness I felt the first few days, which I said no.  I just shook my hands a few times and they settled down, but something is there.

    It happened again Friday morning, I stretched in bed and my leg locked up and woke me.  I moved back and it sort of let go, but the cramp was there.  I decided to just get up at that point.  Every time that I stretch though, I feel like I could cramp.  In the shower, I was stretching my arm to wash my armpits and again, my whole shoulders felt like they wanted to lock up, I had not felt that sensation, it was not fun, it seemed almost suffocating, but it let go.  It has been like that all day, every time I put my body in a different than normal position, such as reaching under the cabinet at work to get bottles, my stomach area wanted to lock up.

    Because of all this, I am going to go back to eating normally.  I am trying to help keep my blood pressure down, but I am not going to be cramping up like this and accept it.  I have to find a happy medium where I can help the blood pressure pills some, but also not feel like I do.  As soon as I get this back under control, I am sure something else will sprout up to annoy me.  Oh well, if it helps in the long run, I guess sacrifices have to be made.

    I would like to add that we stopped at ole Whataburger when we got back from picking up Mijo, we had not eaten dinner and I was set on eating a burger to try and relieve these cramps I've been getting all over.  I enjoyed a patty melt, but only ate about half the fries.  It was delicious and great, but I waited to look at the sodium content and to find out it was like 1700 mg when I had been trying to consume less than that per day the rest of the week, I was a bit scared to check my blood pressure.  I was then glad to see it hadn't changed drastically before bedtime, still hovering around 134/79 and then 130/91 in the morning, before the blood pressure pill.  I'll be drinking plenty of water to wash that extra sodium out, but at least last night I was not bothered by threats of my body cramping up on me.

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