Monday, April 15, 2024

4/15/24 Wife Takes Over?

    There was a point last week when I wanted to throw in the towel, for a second.  I have been changing my diet, and taking two blood pressure pills to handle the chemo drug, but still, there are small side effects that feel like big inconveniences, and with everything going on, sometimes it just seems easier to give up.  It didn't help that Wife has to be a freaking super hero at work.  Out of nowhere, one of her coworker's wife sustained an injury so he couldn't go to a conference that they had already paid for.  Instead of just taking the loss on the fees they had paid, she volunteered to go in his stead.  She did ask me if it was okay to go, but I could already feel she was basically filling up her car and packing her suitcase, so I wasn't going to stop her.  This meant I was alone from basically Wednesday thru Friday, fending for myself for food and stuff.  I had been doing well with my blood pressure but living like a rabbit has its limits, so Tuesday night we decided to live dangerously, and we ordered a medium pizza to split between the both of us.  Normally, we order three pizzas, wings, and some sort of pasta, and somehow it all finishes between the three of us.  I can eat a medium Domino's pepperoni pizza, no problem.  I figured I was playing it safe by only eating half a pizza, 4 slices.  They went down okay, I don't remember suffering too much with my stomach, but this emboldened me.
    I was then alone on Wednesday night and had a pack of pork loins to cook for the two of us but it was me now.  I decided since my blood pressure read good that I could afford to season my meat like a human, so I used my favorite "Salt Lick" seasoning.  It is so good, just the right amount of heat and loaded with flavor.  I don't think the salt content is too high, so I felt safe.  This kind of started my bloated stomach feeling, or heartburn.  This wasn't just feeling full after a meal, this was going to bed with a pain and waking up still thinking about it.  Being the knucklehead I am, the next night I still had the other half of that meal, so I basically ate the same thing over again, and repeated my discomfort.  Now I am walking around for two days with a feeling like someone is stepping on my stomach and not to mention the "diaper rash" which made it painful to walk, even from my car to my place of work, which is buried inside a building, I have to walk several long hallways.  I came home early on Friday, I was in so much discomfort between my stomach and my raw "boys" down there.
    I kept using Vaseline which my mom suggested for the rash, but it wasn't doing enough.  I then tried hydrocortisone, which I bought for my scar, which looked like it wanted to open up last week.  It too didn't do much.  I was a mess and just lay in bed defeated.  Then my hero got home, I told her as she was driving back from Houston that I was in pain, she stopped at CVS and bought a couple things.  She had me try Desitin, and it helped, but then she had me add the anti chafing stuff that looks like a deodorant stick and that seemed to really change things.  I could walk from the bathroom to the kitchen and not feel like my stuff was being rubbed raw.
    We then went and got groceries at Central Market, I just wanted some bread, since it seems okay for heartburn, but we ended up getting a bunch of fruit, and then we added a couple meats so we wouldn't have to go to HEB for the week.  It was still cheaper than when we are feeding Mijo, for just the two of us.  I could see this becoming a pattern, plus the food is supposed to be healthier, if a little more expensive.  Getting back to the point, Wife helped me get rid of 95% of my rash, I haven't taken anything for my stomach in last two days, and now I have a couple snacks I'm not scared to eat.  All this and my blood pressure was lower than its been both days this weekend.  I need to keep this little woman around, she's good for business.

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