Friday, May 24, 2019

5/24/19 A Touching Farewell Ruined By Balloons?

    This afternoon Javalina had a ceremony at his school to commemorate finishing his middle school studies and thereby signaling he has matriculated to the next step of life, high school.  It was almost touching, the assistant Principal sure was trying to pull a tear or two from the crowd with her box of tissues and bag o' quotes about success and perseverance from important people like Gandhi "Be the change that you want to see in the world." (very good), to pop stars Beyoncé "Be healthy and take care of yourself.  But be happy with the beautiful things that make you you." (meh).  It was all good, for the first time in the three years I showed up for events at that gymnasium, they even fired up the air conditioners, so it was even comfortable temperature wise, even with close to 1000 Mexicans up in that big cube.
    My only problem was the amount of hollow headed women holding balloons in the crowd.  How hard is it to realize that while you hold a wad of balloons above your head, possibly, just possibly, you are ruining the line of sight of the people behind you.  But in this modern world where Me is the only person that matters, it must be easy to walk into a crowded stadium full of people with your three dollars of helium and take up the space that 4-5 people would take.  Wife and I promptly told the bimbo who sat in front of us "nope, you need to move those balloons down."  She then held those strings at the neck of the balloons, I hope she was as uncomfortable as she expected us to be.  There was another moron sitting right behind my mom who Wife told her to move her floating shit out of the way, and she did, only to push them against my mom's back.  It took a second before she turned and told her "nope, I don't want your balloons on my back."  Again, who needs fucking balloons at a graduation?
    I was bothered by the fact that Javalina has been busy with being a member in the band, played football, track and field, part of AVID, a member of the very select Einstein Jr. program and all of that didn't equal Joe Blow who volunteered to wash dogs or whatever you do when you do shit for free.  Instead, while some kids were mentioned with the principal on his knees to blow the kids that volunteered, while my son who did a lot barely managed to get his name called and then on to the next random beaner.  I would have liked to have a couple words mentioned of for example all the coaches pulled me aside throughout the year to tell me how much of a leader my son had turned into on and off the field.  I know how great my boy is, I want the world around us to know.  Ehh, asking too much, I know.

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