Friday, December 28, 2018

12/27/18 Delight For An Engineer?

    Boy is more of a real engineer than I will ever claim to be.  I might have the title in my work, but I have always thought of myself as a button pusher as Wife calls me.  Boy, on the other hand, loves tinkering with stuff that I would rather just leave alone and be happy it works.  This year, maybe because they were advertised so heavily, he decided Santa needed to bring him a Roomba, which at first I thought was kind of lame, but then again, we couldn't come up with a better gift.  We saw them pretty much everywhere we went.  They had them at Lowe's, Best Buy, Target, and even at several stores at the mall.
    Fast forward to Christmas Day and he seemed excited about it, but did not open it.  I told him it would be best if he cleaned his room first, so it wouldn't get stuck on a towel or something lame like that.  He said yeah, but of course that means nothing.  Last night, he couldn't wait anymore, he opened it up only to find it needed to be charged for a couple hours first.  He plugged it in right outside our bedroom around midnight.  For some reason, we all were in the mood to stay up.  I took a little nap maybe from 11:00 to mignight, when Wife woke me since I had decided to run a load in the wash.  I threw that stuff in the dryer and said F it, I'll wash all the stuff on the floor in the wash.  I kind of lost my sleepiness at this point and was watching stuff on the computer.  I love looking at waterfront lots like I am a land barron and am going to buy this one and that one, some day.  Since Wife loves watching her sometimes crappy shows, she can do this, while I listen to music and look at the prices of lots all over Texas.
    At some point after 2:00am, we start hearing a small electric motor and the two boys are giggling with madness.  They are excited because the thing we bought that is supposed to vacuum, is vacuuming.  They are so excited at never having to vacuum again that they are considering pooling their money together to buy one for downstairs.  Boy comes in the room and asks me what I think of Steve "McClean", he already has a cute nickname for this toy that happens to clean.  Wife liked it too, asking if they sold one that would also wash the carpet while it was at it.  Nice idea, but no.
    Boy was then going on about how some people use the pattern the Roomba does to set up their Dungeons and Dragons path or something super dorky, I just said "you still need to clean your room, but I do like the nickname."  We finally called it a night about 3:00am, I like it when we all rally around something, even if it is in the middle of the night.

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