Tuesday, December 11, 2018

12/11/18 Construction On Our Main Road?

    I don't get the stupid shit the city does sometimes.  This week, they decided to start a project on 1st and Slaughter Lane.  It is usually a pain in the ass in the morning when we are all trying to drop off kids or get to work, and now they decided to remove one of the lanes, why?  This is the kind of stupid shit that could very easily wait until the summer when at least there is no rush for the kids.
    I think this is all one great project since they started working on IH-35 a couple years ago.  A couple weeks ago they closed off the inside lanes on Slaughter Lane and shaved in more space for the people turning left behind the Wal-mart, leading into Southpark Meadows.  What I am still wishing they would do, at least on the roads I drive, is cut in some inserts where the busses stop, so they get out of the way and let us hustle on by while those waiting to inherit the earth get on and off.  I fucking hate city busses, I can't imagine stopping on one of the busiest roads to pick up one person, but wait, no one in the bus or the snake of cars behind is moving until this newest fare produces fifty cents or whatever.  If that is not bad enough sometimes you think, I'll be cool and patient, only to realize the fucking driver is on break and that bus is not moving anywhere for 15-20 minutes.
    Anyways, back to the tearing up of the intersection which I don't get.  The concrete there is not wide enough to make a second turning lane, although that would be awesome.  It is almost impossible to leave our neighborhood when Akins lets out at 4:20 or so as all 3,000 students slowly migrate back home.  A couple of times I have been caught by Javalina staying after school for this or that and then wants to get picked up at that moment.  It totally sucks to try and leave at that hour.
    Normally, the traffic backs up for 2-3 light cycles and that is fine, yesterday with the construction project started, traffic was backed up twice as far, almost to the last place where one can turn left and avoid the mess.  I took the turn, and thought, it'll be just as bad over there, but it wasn't.  There were just enough cars turning left to allow me to go with the first group as I approached and then I went over to 1st and felt like I got ahead of 100 cars, like a genius!!  More of these people will realize what some of us are doing and they are going to ruin it, but hopefully, this is a quick project, not that the city knows what that means.

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