Thursday, March 8, 2018

3/8/18 Anticipation?

    It is Thursday morning and I start my Spring Break in about 20-30 minutes, it has been a long hard night trying to tie all my little jobs up to walk out the door not worried about anything.  It seems like every time there is a big vacation, we look forward to it with so much anticipation, like a kid waiting for Christmas, it's all we can talk about, then poof, it's gone in the blink of an eye.  Even with a couple extra days in the front end, I know it'll be gone before we know it.
    I don't know that we have any real plans other than my folks coming up for about four days.  They give me a lot of crap about visiting Crystal City, but the truth is that if I do, then they don't have much of an excuse to get out and come on, anyone knows that the big cities have the good stuff.  First off, if you want to go to the movies, you pretty much have to go to a neighboring town down there, the Crystal City movie theater has seen better days.  Unless you want Pizza Hut or Golden Chick, prepare for some very mediocre Mexican dining.  My mom keeps insisting that a couple places that they take us are good, but I didn't get to 400 pounds by eating what others told me was good.  I know.
    Hopefully, we can go to Fiesta Texas on a nice cool day.  We all bought season tickets that I believe we pay for the rest of our lives, or something, but as long as we use them a couple times a year, I guess it's fine.  Wife was getting the idea of taking a drive to Oklahoma, just because and let my dad have some fun at a real casino while we lounge around the hotel, but my mom didn't think it would be a good thing for the old man.  We could also head to Louisiana and drop him off at a casino over there while we explore and do some shopping/sightseeing.
    I joked with Wife about maybe going camping in a tent and at first it was a big no, then she thought about it and asked if we even had a tent.  It just so happens there is a tent in the garage, not sure when we bought it, but I've seen it.  The idea is a bit romantic, dropping off Javalina at his other grandma, Boy would not want any part of this, just Wife and I, but sleeping on the ground is a real reality and we are both too big to be doing stupid shit like that, so probably not.
    It would be something at this point if we could even make it into the Hot tub, it has been over a year, thanks to my shitty leg injury, maybe it's time to crank her on, see what happens.  I miss those parties we used to have in there, so many boobs.

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