We are tasked with providing guidance and the right path for our children. This can mean different things to different people. Being the capitalist pig I am, I have always preached make your path through the sciences and you will have increased your potential to make more money than any other easier pathway. This is what I know, not necessarily the only way or the best way. I cannot guarantee happiness this way, but if my children are what I have raised and they like living life the way we've done it, they are going to need money.
The median price of a new house in Austin looking at Google right now is in the $300,000 and climbing range. Boy loves the nicer things in life. There is no way he will live a satisfied life by not having a house nicer than what he currently lives in. He is not even entertaining a girl right now, saying he would rather focus on finishing his degree than getting trapped like daddy did. We joke about it now, and Wife has turned out to be a perfect partner for me, but that does not guarantee that the same thing and outcome happens for him.
Thinking about it, I cannot think how I could have made Boy's life easier. I guess I could have made him get an easier degree, or even no degree, but then? Without a degree, he would be forced to take whatever minimum wage job happened to be available. Boy has a weak lung, it would not be good for him to work doing physical labor, his quality and even quantity of life would be greatly reduced. Boy needs him a thinking man's job, so he can keep himself clean.
This line of thought was brought about by Mr. Monster Energy Drink who I hadn't seen in a while, but he showed up to work a little bit tonight. He tried correcting my thinking, but we are vastly different. He was saying that my kids don't need money to be happy, I looked at him like he was drunk, I know my kids, and we are cut of the same cloth. My reasoning for being the way I am is that we live in this capitalist wasteland. It is not the best system in the world, and he argued it's not even a true capitalist system, but I say it is still better to be of value and have skills needed within this way of life, and the sciences are always going to be needed for more technical jobs. I agree with him, I told him even with my chemistry degree, I didn't know anything when I started here, much like any new engineer, I was given my opportunity because I had gone through the trouble of getting the degree. I understand that upon starting anywhere, either of my boys is, are going to have to learn to operate within the rules of whatever entity they join.
I always like arguing with Monster Energy Drink, because he insists whatever I am doing is wrong, but he doesn't give me a better solution than whatever I have to say.
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