Chubs is supposed to be a kid, but I guess because we have raised him as an adult he thinks differently. Yesterday, after my sister in laws remarriage, we ended up at my in-laws and of course, I quickly went to sleep, in return for the nap, I did drive both ways, so Wife was happy. But back to Chubs, he overheard my in-laws talking about Trump and asked if they were daring to speak of the man. I was asleep, but Wife says he actually had opinions on the man. He told his Grandma that Trump said he would get rid of all the Mexicans which is no good. It is funny that all his friends discuss the issues and figure out opinions that are their own. He sat there "bitching" about Trump being the wrong choice.
You might think he is just mimicking Wife and I, but I don't see either candidate being better than the other. I have usually thought of myself a Democrat, for being liberal on social issues, but as I get older, I seem to be getting more financially conservative. Wife and I, year in and year out, work our asses off, yet, we see and we know of people that put in a minimal effort, and are on constant assistance from the government, and I am starting to be bothered by that. I want everyone that can, to work their fair share. I don't know where that leaves me. I certainly don't want to be associated with the conservatives of the Midwest, but I also am tired of backing a group that bleeds money to anyone who stubs their toe.
Getting back to Chubs and his adult behavior. Today (sunday), we went to get some food for the week at Target, and he noticed they had a Pumpkin Spice Latte. Only because I had a $5 bill in my pocket, I said OK. I went over with him so he would order and stay under $5. As soon as he got his drink, he says he wants a picture, I thought to show his Mom. I was even helping, telling him to point the camera down to include the drink, not just the top of it. A second later he was laughing his ass off. He sent the pic to his friends and referenced the one white kid in his crew "Hey "friend's name", I guess I look like you now!" I believe he heard a joke earlier in the weekend to the effect that only white people bother stopping at Starbucks regularly, so he redirected the joke, which to me requires thinking like an older person. His friend got all pissy, and even Judas and myself were telling him that wasn't cool. He called him and apologized, the kid said it was cool, he was going along with it, acting pissed.
I do worry about my Chubs having to grow up faster than normal, specially with mama not around during the week. He has to conduct himself like a grown up, I don't want to sit there and coddle him, during the week, I have very little time to sit there and act like a mother. I am happy to have him here with me, but that is conditional and only works if he is going to be a big boy. He has done a great job, so far.
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