Tuesday was off to a slow start, thanks to wearing myself out Monday. I got up at 2:56pm, missing my three alarm clocks on my phone of 2:10, 2:20, and 2:25pm. Wife's old fashion alarm clock on the side of the bed is also set for 2:20 and I slept through all four of them. Waking up at 2:56 gave me no time to go to the bathroom, I just picked up the first pieces of clothing I could find on the floor and ran out, Chubs does not like being picked up late.
I had already decided I would cut the grass in the backyard, part of my new exercise regime. I need to stop being lazy and forcing myself to do chores like these that require sweat and exertion. We are supposed to be eating less outside of the house, so I will play along with Wife for a couple days. She too is getting on the bandwagon of losing some weight, mostly for the Florida trip. She declared we are going to lose 10 pounds for the trip. I would like to lose double that, 20 sounds feasible, considering I am at 409pounds. There were a couple of good reasons to put off cutting the grass. I could have insisted on staying inside and putting away the rest of the clothes, or insisted on making a sandwich for Chubs. I said no, I need to stop being a wuss and just carry through.
Not only was I able to cut the grass, I was also able to trim with the edger, along the fence and the concrete around the pool. Scariest moment, I left some palm leaves in the yard after I got stung by some bees last year, when I was moving them I found a good sized snake, probably a couple years old. It was as thick as a garden hose and all curled up. I hate to say it, but for the kid's well being, I killed it with the lawn mower. Chubs said the only kind of good snake is a dead snake.
About the time I finished, Wife was coming home, we met at a Mexican restaurant we eat at weekly because it is close to the house, and it is cheap. It was nice to eat after working on the yard, like a man. I then hurried back home, and showered so I could come in to work. I am hoping to keep up the exertion of energy for a couple days and then shake off the sleeping thing I've had for going on a year. Is there a bug bite that causes one to become a lazy ass? I swear I never have bee one to let Wife drive me anywhere, or concede and let her do anything I consider man's work. But lately, I have been a little bitch.
I need another nice day today, so I can go out and reinstall the pool pump. I have to get that water running, get rid of the green color before the city comes knocking again. Once I connect it, I need about five days of running it hard to get rid of the pond color. I then need to do the same with the hot tub, I can't believe it's been so long since we have used it.
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